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Buddhist nuns (bhikkhunis) wear robes (civara). The robes have different names in different countries and different schools of Buddhism.

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Q: What do Buddhist nuns wear and what is the name?
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Related questions

Are there Buddhist nuns or only Buddhist monks?

Yes, there are Buddhist nuns as well as monks. They're known as Bhikkhuni.

What was done to the Buddhist nuns and monks in 1966?

They all died

Where Do Buddhist Monks And Nuns Live?

in a temple obviously people!

Do hindus cut their hair?

Some Buddhist monks shave their heads. This is the stereotype Buddhist hairdo. Most Buddhists are not monks and wear their hair like anyone else in their local culture.

Do novice nuns wear a wedding band?

In some traditions, novice nuns may wear a plain ring as a symbol of their commitment to their spiritual path, similar to a wedding band. However, this practice varies between different Buddhist sects and is not universal.

Why do female Buddhists wear red?

The robes of Buddhist monks and nuns are always some shade of red, yellow, orange, purple or brown. Householders can wear any color. There is no distinction of color regarding sex (male or female).

What did nuns wear?

a habit

Do Buddhists wear bright colors?

Not all Buddhists wear red and yellow robes, in the same way that all Christians do not dress in black with white Roman collars like priests or wear habits like nuns. The robes are reseved for the lamas, monks and nuns. The average Buddhist lay person fits in well with the culture he lives in - jeans in the USA etc.

Why do Buddhist teachers shave there head?

It is not Buddhist teachers that shave their heads, its Buddhists Monks and Nuns, some of whom also teach.

What happens if you try to dress up as a Buddhism?

First off, there is no such thing as trying to dress up as a Buddhist, since there is no official or special clothes for the average Buddhist. I wear business casual to work, I wear shorts and a T-Shirt during the summer and jeans and pull-overs in the colder months when not at work. Buddhist Monks and Nuns wear robes, typically in the color that the lineage they belong to; which is similar to Christian priests that wear a collar and robe. So, if you want to pretend to be a Buddhist monk, you can buy the robes and walk around in them, but not much else is going to happen.

Which nuns were white?

Roman Catholic AnswersMany nuns wear white: Cisterians and Carthusians among others. Also, most nuns, regardless of the color of their habit will wear a white veil before they are professed. There are also many sisters who wear white, such as Dominicans, but they are not nuns.

What did Ursuline nuns wear?

Ursuline nuns wear black dresses and a black and white head dress to show their religion.