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Q: What disciple did Paul commend for having the faith his mother had?
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What disciple did paul praise for having the same faith his mother had?

It was Timothy and his mom was named Eunice . 2 Timothy 3:15 says: "and that from infancy you have known the holy writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith In Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 1:5 " For I recall your unhypocritical faith, which dwelled first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, but which I am confident is also I you."

What do you call a person who believes in faith?

a believer faithful, disciple, follower, gnostic

What are the release dates for A Mother's Faith - 1911?

A Mother's Faith - 1911 was released on: USA: 17 November 1911

What is the importance of faith in your life?

Many people have faith which is having a complete trust or confidence in something. The importance of having faith in ones life is simply having something to believe in.

How was Saint Joseph a disciple of Jesus?

Saint Joseph is considered a disciple of Jesus because he played a vital role in Jesus' life as his earthly father, providing guidance, protection, and care during Jesus' formative years. Through his actions and devotion to Jesus, Saint Joseph demonstrated unwavering faith and obedience to God's will, making him a model of faith for all believers.

What does intelligence have to do with faith?

Well, having intelligence about your faith is definitely important. So, really, having intelligence is a great factor of your faith. (How much you know about your religion, etc.) Having intelligence primarily and just school wise is not important toward your faith that I know of.

Who is the founder of faith?

God founded faith in Judaism and Christianity, with Judaism having the promises and Christianity having the fulfillment of the promises.

How was Mary a model of faith?

Hearing God's will and doing it, bearing the savior- Jesus Christ. Being the most important disciple of Jesus Christ.

Who is Faith Hill's mother?

Faith Hill's biological mother is Paula White. Her adoptive mother is Edna Perry.

Who is eligible for the Sacrament of Confirmation?

Those who profess the faith, are in a state of grace, desire to recieve the Sacrament, and intend to live as a disciple of Christ and witness to the faith, both within the Church and in the world are eligible to receive the Sacrament of Confiramtion

What has the author T W Hunt written?

T. W. Hunt has written: 'Pray in faith' -- subject(s): Prayer 'Disciple's Prayer Life'

What influenced Saint Peter to follow Christ?

it was his faith that influenced to follow christ