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American religious scholar Huston Smith divides Taoism into three branches: Philosophical Taoism, Religious Taoism, and Taoist Hygiene. Philosophical Taoists center on the concepts of the Tao, wu wei, and the balance of yin and yang. Religious Taoists worship a pantheon of gods and spirits and practice various religious rites and ceremonies. Taoist Hygiene includes tai chi, qigong, feng shui, acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine and herbalism, and different types of meditative practices.

Smith also said that the three separate branches at times "mingled powers" and that many of the beliefs and practices overlapped each other to some degree, ie; a Taoist priest being highly adept at I Ching divination and feng shui, or a Taoist Philosopher who may engage in some type of qigong exercise before retiring for the evening.

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Q: What different types of groups worship taoism?
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