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The Zealots were a political movement in the first century. They sought to incite the people of Judea to rebel against the Romans and force them out of the Holy Land

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Q: What did the zealots believe the Jews should do to gain their freedom?
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The Zealots were Jews who believed they should what?

The Zealots were a party among the Jews (so called from their zeal for the law) who were determined to resist Roman or any foreign authority in Palestine.

The zealots were Jews who believed what?

They were Jews who rebel agaisnt the roman empire, in the first century of judaism

What was the relationship between the zealots and Jesus?

When Jesus rode the jews into jeruselum the zealots where the ones laying down the palm leaves

Who convinced many Jews to take up arms against the Romans?

It was the Zealots

What were the beliefs of the zealots?

The beliefs of the zealots was that in order to succeed from rome you would need a violent rebellion and they killed several Jews who opposed this theory some scholars even believe that the zealots set fire to an abondent amount of grain Jerusalem had in order to withstand the longest of sieges but when the grain was burned some citizens turned to cannabalism they burned the grain in order to make citizens come to the zealots that's all I really know I cant find much other answers either

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They don't. Jews believe that Jews should celebrate Hanukkah.

What did Zealots believe in?

Zealots were a first-century Jewish sect that believed in strict adherence to Jewish law and the rejection of Roman authority. They were extremely passionate about the liberation of Israel from Roman rule and were willing to use violence and armed resistance to achieve their goals.

Why were romans against jews?

To retaliate for the revolt of the Jewish Zealots, and later the Bar Kokhba rebellion.

In what did the zealots rebel against Rome?

I am pretty sure they revolted because of who The Jews Believed In. And also the Jews Religion (Judaism)

Who fought the Romans and kicked them out of Jerusalem?

It was the Zealots

Why do religious Jews feel they are better than irreligious Jews.?

Orthodox Jews are taught to do everything "by the book" and believe ALL Jews should do the same.

Why did Jesus lead the Jews to freedom?

Jesus did not lead the Jews to freedom. The Romans went on to destroy the Holy Temple and expel the Jews from the land.