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Q: What did the princess offer to do for Moses mother?
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What was Moses stepmother name?

Moses did not have a stepmother but did have an adopted mother who was the princess of Egypt. Although, her name was not mentioned in the Bible. His birth mother's name is Jochebed.

When did Moses know he was an israelite?

Some suggest that his natural mother made him aware of his ethnicity as she raised him for the Egyptian princess

How did Moses became prince of Egypt?

Moses was born to a family of Israelites in a time when the Pharoah of Egypt had ordered every Israelite baby boy to be killed. To save him, Moses's mother and sister Miriam wove a basket, put Moses in, and sent it down the Nile. Miriam followed the basket until it was carried by the Nile into the Pharoah's palace. There, a princess found the boy, and loved him instantly. After this point there are two variations of the tale. The first is that the Princess already had a son (Ramases), but decided to raise Moses as well, and the second variation is that Miriam asked the Princess if she wanted someone to feed the baby. The Princess agreed and Miriam fetched her mother. The Princess asked Moses' mother to care for him until he was old enough to live in the palace with her.Not exactly. The Biblical Narritive (found in Exodus), agrees with the above answer until the suggestion that there's "two variations" of the story. The princess named the baby "Moses" herself, and allowed Miriam to take the child back to a Hebrew for rearing until he was of age (all found in Scripture). Where exactly Ramasees comes into play is a mystery.

What did Moses mother become his?

She became his temporary care-giver, since she knew that he would have to be returned to Phaaoh's daughter, who had stated an intention to adopt him (Exodus ch.2).See also:More about Moses

Why was miriam such a significant part of Moses birth?

When the princess of Egypt saw Moses, she wanted him but couldn't brest feed him. So Miriam said she would find some one, and that woman she found was in fact Moses and her mother!

Who did princess give Moses to?

Miriam watched him float down the Nile River And saw that princess found him princess didn't want him until he was older so she gave Moses to Miriam. tip:Miriam is Moses's sister

Who is Moses's mother?

The name of the mother of Moses was Jochebed (Exodus 6:20).

How old was Moses' sister?

Moses sister was called Miriam, she was about 8 years older to Moses.As she kept watch over the baby in the basket, and told the Egyptian princess that she would get a Jewish lady, her mother to look after it.

Who was Moses' mother?

The parents of Aaron, Miriam, and Moses were Amram (father) and Yocheved (mother).

Is princess beatrice mother a princess?

No, but at the time of her birth her mother was a Duchess by marriage.

What is the analogy for mother is to daughter as queen is to?

Mother is to daughter as queen is to princess because the queen is the mother of the princess.

What was the name of the mother of Moses?

Her name was Jochebed (Exodus 6:20).