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Q: What did the gods shout in order to create the world?
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What did the gods shout to create the world in popol vuh?


When did the Greek people create their Gods?

Nobody knows- and this is a fundamental spiritual question, did the Greeks create their Gods, or did their GODS create THEM?! It's easy for us to say, in the monotheistic world of the 21st Century, that the old Gods don't exist, but we can't KNOW that.

Did gods create Egypt?

Yes gods did create Egypt because gods create everything,even you

Did Hephaestus obey Zeus's order?

Yes, because Zeus was king of the gods, and the father of Hephaestus.

What did Egyptian gods do for the people?

She was helpful because she was the ruler of all the other gods and she helped create new gods.

What did greek mythology gods do?

They kept the crops good they kept things in order and kept peace in the world pretty much.

Did the Chinook Indians create totem poles to honor their gods?

Totem poles do not honor gods. They tell stories.

Did Hephaestus create Pandora?

Partly. All gods had a part of it.

What are the greek gods in order in witch they became gods?

Zeus is the first.(I think)

Are there gods in the world?

That is your own opinion, but i believe that gods do not exist.__________________________________________________________________

Does gemeni stand for the twins romulus and Remus?

No, in the ancient Roman world Gemini stood for the twin gods Castor and Pollux.No, in the ancient Roman world Gemini stood for the twin gods Castor and Pollux.No, in the ancient Roman world Gemini stood for the twin gods Castor and Pollux.No, in the ancient Roman world Gemini stood for the twin gods Castor and Pollux.No, in the ancient Roman world Gemini stood for the twin gods Castor and Pollux.No, in the ancient Roman world Gemini stood for the twin gods Castor and Pollux.No, in the ancient Roman world Gemini stood for the twin gods Castor and Pollux.No, in the ancient Roman world Gemini stood for the twin gods Castor and Pollux.No, in the ancient Roman world Gemini stood for the twin gods Castor and Pollux.

What is the contribution of Hindu gods to the world?

there was 300 million Hindu gods...............