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Genesis 8:11 - Then the dove came to him in the evening, and behold, a freshly plucked olive leaf was in her mouth; and Noah knew that the waters had receded from the earth. [NKJV]

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The dove brought back a 'freshly plucked olive leaf' in her mouth on the second try.

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It returned with a olive branch.

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An olive leaf.

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Q: What did the dove that noah sent out return with?
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What was the second bird noah released from the ark?

Noah first sent out a raven, and it just flew back and forth. Noah then sent out a dove, which returned to the ark, and he waited seven days. Noah then sent out the dove again, and it returned with an olive branch. He waited seven more days, and sent out the dove again, and this time, it did not return.

Was it the dove or the raven that didn't return to Noah?

It was a dove, that did not return to Noah.

On what day did the people come out of Noah's Ark?

Noah knew when to come out of the ark because he sent a dove out of the ark and if the dove returned Noah knew that it had no place to land so it had to come back to the ark. Finally the dove did not return so he knew the earth's waters had receded.

Was the dove the only bird Noah sent to find land?

No. Noah first sent forth a raven in Genesis 8:7, then a dove in 8:8.

How did Noah know when they could safely leave?

Noah knew this when he released a dove and the dover did not return to the Ark.

What does the return of the dove with an olive leaf tell Noah?

The olive leaf in the dove's beak was God's way of informing Noah that the land was again supporting plant life. Noah had not yet looked out of the ark at this point. He sent the dove out 7 days later and it did not return. Only then did Noah remove the covering of the ark to look out and he saw dry land. However, he remained on the ark another 6 weeks before God allowed him to leave.

What kind of bird did noah release to find land?

First a raven then a dove.Noah sent out a raven but it did not return to the ark. He then sent out a dove; this bird returned and was then sent out again a week later. The second time the bird returned it had a branch/leaf in its mouth. Another week later he sent the dove out again and it did not come back.

How many times did noahs dove from noahs ark come back and leave?

The first time that Noah sent it out, the dove simply returned to him in the ark. The second time, the dove came back with an olive leaf. The third time, it did not return, giving evidence that it was possible and safe for Noah to leave the ark. (Genesis 8:8-12)

In the bible when the rain stops noah sent out what?

He sent out a raven first then a dove. Time passed between the two.

What did the last bird bring back to Noah?

In the story of Noah's Ark, Noah sent out a dove 3 times, after unsuccessfully trying to send out a raven, which stayed near the Ark.The first time the dove returned with nothing, so Noah knew that there had been nowhere for it to land.Seven days later, he sent the dove out again, and it returned with an olive branch, so he knew that the water had receded from Ararat.He waited another seven days and sent the dove out again, but this time it did not return; so you could say that the Answer is it brought nothing (other than implicit information; namely that it would soon be feasible for Noah to begin resettling the Earth).But the last time it returned to Noah, it brought an olive branch, so that could also be the answer.It depends on how the question is worded.

What birds did Noah send out to see if there was dry land?

Noah sent out a raven first, followed by a dove. A week later, another dove was released:Genesis 8:7-9 (KJV)7:And he sent forth a raven, which went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth. 8:Also he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground;

After the flood what bird did God send out?

It wasn't God that sent out the bird after the flood. It was Noah. First he sent out a raven, and later he sent out a dove.