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Q: What did the Ramban do?
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What is the country code and area code of Ramban- Udhampur India?

The country code and area code of Ramban- Udhampur, India is 91, (0)1998.

Who is the Ramban rabbi?

Nahmanides. See link below.

Were the Rambam and Ramban related and why do they have almost the same name?

no. both are just acronyms for their names and their fathers names- moshe ben (son of) maimon= rambam, and moshe ben nachman= ramban

What has the author Jacob Hoffman written?

Jacob Hoffman has written: 'Perush talmid ha-Ramban le-masekhet Betsah' -- subject(s): Commentaries, Talmud

Where can I find an edition in English of the Commentary on Genesis by Nahmanides?

The Ramban (Nachmanides) was translated into English by Rabbi Dr. C. Chavel Major Jewish bookstores will stock them. The first link to come up on the web was:

What is the name of the first Malayalam translation of the bible?

The first Malayalam translation of the Bible is known as the "Ramban Bible," completed by Bishop Phillipose in 1811.

When moses returned from mount sinai did the Israelites repent?

Yes. The sinners were dealt with (Exodus 32:26-28, and 32:35), Moses prayed for them (Exodus 34:9, Deuteronomy 9:17-18), and they repented (Ramban commentary on Exodus 33:6). Had they not repented, God would never have made the promise of Exodus 34:10.

Who are the 4 Hebrew leaders?

There have been many thousands of leaders in the History of Judaism, including: Abraham Isaac Jacob Joseph Moses Aaron Joshua Samuel Saul David Solomon Deborah Esther Hillel Akiva Rambam Ramban Rashi the Baal Shem Tov Leo Baeck Theodore Herzl Hannah Senesz Gold Meir Binyamin Netanyahu

How did the number of the 613 commandments from the Torah come to be?

The 613 commandments came from the Torah and the tradition is that Abraham is the father of the Jewish people. Abraham came from Ur-Kasdim, in Western Asia.Answer:It was the sages of the Talmud (Makkot 23b) who stated that the exact number of the Torah's commands is 613. They didn't list the mitzvot (commands), but later Rabbis (Rambam, Ramban, Ikkarim, Smag and others) have done so.The commands themselves came to be through the prophecy of God to Moses (Exodus 24:12).

What are some holy sites in Jerusalem?

These sites are:For Judaism: The Western Wall and the Temple Mount Complex, Mount of Olives Cemetary, Ramban Synagogue, and the City of Jerusalem itselfFor Christians: The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Via Dolorosa, Golgotha, the Church of All Nations, and Mount Zion, among other smaller churches and places.For Muslims: Al-Aqsa mosque (that is considered one of the three holiest mosques) and the Dome of the Rock Shrine . In Islam, the whole site of Al-Qods (Jerusalem) is one of three holiest sites in Islam.

What is a historical synagogue?

Historical synagogues are those that have a special place in history. So, the first synagogue in any particular country would be classified as historical, as would the oldest surviving synagogue in that country. Good examples would be the Touro Synagogue in Rhode Island, the Rashi Synagogue in Worms and the Old New Synagogue in Prague. Any synagogue where someone historically important would also qualify. So, for example, the Ramban Synagogue in Jerusalem, founded by the great medieval rabbi Nachmanides, would qualify. Ancient synagogues that are now merely archaeological sites are another category that would qualify.

Who are the famous constituents of judaism?

Judaism has hundreds of famous constituents, thousands if you include sages, scholars and rabbis. All of the characters of the Hebrew Bible can beconsidered famous constituents of Judaism as well. Notable examples in no particular order are: Abraham Isaac Jacob Sarah Rebecca Leah Rachel Joseph Moses Miriam Samuel Deborah Saul David Solomon Ruth Esther Hillel Gamliel Rashi Rambam Ramban Joseph Caro Asenath Barzani the Baal Shem Tov Isaac Luria Moses Mendelsohnn Leo Baeck Theodore Herzl Eliezar ben-Yehuda Golda Meir Yitzkhak Rabin Shimon Peres Moshe Dayyan Amy Eilberg Regina Jonas