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The Jewish people call the hours between sundown and sunrise "nighttime" or "night." In Hebrew, it is referred to as "laylah."

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Q: What did the Jewish people call the hours between sundown and sunrise?
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When do Jewish people enjoy the Seder meal?

At sundown.

When is the Sabbath observed for Jews?

The Sabbath, known to the Jewish people as Shabbat in Hebrew and Shabbos in Yiddish observe it from Friday at sunset to Saturday. Shabbat is officially over when you can see 3 stars in the sky and at that time there is a Havdalah ceremony to seperate the Sabbath from the rest of the week. A Jewish day is always sundown to sundown.

When do Jewish people celebrate the Sabbath day?

Jewish ShabbatOn the seventh day of the Week as specified in the Torah. This means that it starts Friday at sundown and ends Saturday at sundown.Christian SabbathChristians follow the New Testament teaching of Worshiping on Sunday in celebration of the day that Christ Rose from the dead. Acts 20:7

What do Jewish people call the sabbath Saturday?

Jews do not call the sabbat "Saturday", it is called 'Shabbat'. Shabbat happens to start Friday at sundown and ends Saturday at sundown, the 7th day of the week.

What is sabbath in Schindler's list?

During the Holocaust, Oscar Schindler saved the lives of the Jewish people who worked for him in his factory. For Jews, the Sabbath (called "Shabbat" in Hebrew or "Shabbos" in Yiddish) is from Sundown Friday night to Sundown Saturday night. The sabbath is the day of rest, and Schindler allowed his Jewish workers to observe their sabbath.

When do Jewish people go to synagougues?

Religious Jews go to synagogue daily. Shabbat, the Jewish Sabbath starts Friday at sundown and ends Saturday at sundown. Many Jews that don't always attend daily, will attend services Friday night and Saturday. There are also certain holidays where even more Jews will attend services.

Can Jewish people use telephone on Saturdays?

Firstly, in this question there is a misunderstanding of the 'day' of the Jewish Sabbath. Saturday is commonly believed among non-Jews to be the Sabbath. This is incorrect. The Jewish days begin at sundown. The Jewish Sabbath begins at the start of the seventh day of the week. Therefore, the Jewish Sabbath begins Friday at sundown and continues until one hour after sundown on Saturday. If one lives in a city where the sun sets at 3 p.m. on Friday, then the Sabbath begins at 3 p.m. on Friday and continues until 4 p.m. Saturday. If the sun sets at noon on Friday...; etc. Now, to answer the question. Jewish people cannot use a phone (to receive a call or to make a call) on the Sabbath. Once the Sabbath has passed, yes, a Jew can use the phone.

How middle age people convinced time?

Do you mean how did they tell time? They used the sun and the day to measure time and some had water clocks. The normal person would get up with sunrise and go to bed at sundown.

When does a Jewish person eat the Passover meal?

Passover is not a time of fasting, so Jewish people can eat during the middle of the day during Passover.

What are some differences between the israelties and the Jews?

Israelites refer to the Ancient Jewish people, Jew refers to the modern Jewish people.

What was mutual between God and Jewish people?

Long ago, God and the Jewish people entered a covenant together, meaning a mutual agreement. God had sworn to protect the Jewish, as long as they obeyed and respected him.

How many people follow the Jewish religion?

There are approximately 14-15 million people worldwide who identify as Jewish.