Judaism is both ethical (in that it attempts to create a moral person) and universal (in that it believes its world view applies to all people). Judaism is not an evangelizing faith, but believes that there are universal truths.
There are different types of ethical judgments and ethical reasoning's that are based on beliefs/ Egoism, justice, deontology, and relativism are different points of view.
There is no mention in any text of encounters between the Ancient Hebrews and the Hyksos. There are some historians who claim that the Hebrews and the Hyksos are the same people, but this is a rare minority view.
In general, not well at all.
from an ethical point of view big business is always a bad business.discuss the pros and cons of this statements.
all human are born equal and should be treated equal by the law
Ethical relativism is the view that what is right or wrong can vary depending on the context or culture. This theory suggests that there is no universal standard for morality and that ethical judgments are relative to the particular circumstances or beliefs of a society or individual.
In ethics one must approach the situation from the ethical relativism point of view. Ethical relativism places the decision between right or wrong with the group of people affected.
sure kind of mild from my point of view.
The best way to view a private video is to have somebody invite you to watch it. There really is no ethical way for one to view a video which is marked as private.