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Ancient Chinese believed their gods needed offerings of food to keep them happy.

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What would make their gods happy if they trade and get goods

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Q: What did the Chinese think was needed to keep their gods happy?
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What did ancient Chinese believe the gods needed to stay happy?

Offerings of money.

The ancient Chinese believed their gods needed what to be happy?

Who knows, I thought I was the one asking. well as other people dont know i do it was ............... lol

What did the Chinese think of the gods of in Chinese mythology?

Chinese has a different mythology. There are many gods. It's a mix of Taoism and Buddhism. The head of the gods is the Jade Emperor!

Why do you think Pharaoh's have wanted the support of nobles?

Because nobles are rich and powerful families or the nobles can talk to the gods and make them happy and not angry so the gods won't take it on the people and it also ade the people happy.

What has the author V M Alekseev written?

V. M. Alekseev has written: 'The Chinese gods of wealth' -- subject(s): Art, Chinese, Chinese Art, Chinese Gods, Cults, Gods, Chinese, Religion

Why did the ancient Chinese believe that in order to keep the gods and spirits happy food and other goods were needed?

Well, they were old, so they didn't have the technology to come up with any other explanation for things than gods. Since humans are the dominant species (controversially) they assumed the gods would be humans. Well, humans need food and objects to be happy. And if the gods did things like make the sun rise, which the mini humans need, but the big gods don't really, the gods don't have to make the sun rise. they could just not and their lives wouldn't change. So why would they? Because it causes those mini humans to live, and the mini humans should live because they supply the gods with things the gods like. That was the Chinese's theory. Now today, we have scientific explanations for things like thunder. But they didn't. Have a nice day :) <3

Why did the Sumerians consider everyone's responsibility to keep to keep the gods happy?

I think it was that they thought if someone got the gods mad they would all be punished for it.

Where was magic used in pentheus in men and gods?

Magic was used when the gods made acoetes mother think that he was a boar and she needed to kill him

Why did the sumerians consider it everyone's responsibility to keep the gods happy?

I think it was that they thought if someone got the gods mad they would all be punished for it.

Do Chinese people worship many gods?

Yes Chinese people do worship many gods

Were Chinese emporers born from gods?

Chinese Emperors were not physically made from gods but back then Chinese people thought that they were because they were mighty and powerful.

Why do you think pharaoh might have wanted support of nobles?

Because nobles are rich and powerful families or the nobles can talk to the gods and make them happy and not angry so the gods won't take it on the people and it also ade the people happy.