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Look in The Bible! Jeez.

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Q: What did paul witness in philippi?
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What was the Population in Philippi at the time of Paul?

The population of Philippi during the time of Paul is estimated to have been around 10,000 to 20,000 people. Philippi was an important Roman colony in ancient Macedonia.

What was the first city in Europe to which the apostle Paul carried the gospel?

The first city in Europe where the apostle Paul carried the gospel was Philippi. Paul visited Philippi during his second missionary journey and established the first Christian church there.

Where in ancient Macedonia did Paul of Tarsus preach?

After arriving at Neapolis (the port of Philippi in NE Macedonia), Paul went to Philippi and there declared the good news. (Acts 16:11-40)

Where were Paul and Silas imprisoned?

Philippi. See Acts chapter 16.

Where is Philippians church in New Testament located?

The church of Philippi mentioned in the New Testament is located in Philippi, a city in northern Greece. It was established by the apostle Paul during his missionary journeys.

In What city were Paul and Silas imprisoned during the 2nd missionary journey?

I believe the scripture says they were in Philippi, the chief city in Macedonia . Acts 16:12

Who started the church in Phillipi?

i found the following while searching the web: "[Apostle] Paul had a vision in which a man of Macedonia plead with Paul to come help him. Paul and his companions thus traveled to the city of Philippi in Macedonia. Paul baptized a woman named Lydia and her household in Philippi. Lydia was a seller of purple cloth, which was expensive. The dye for the cloth came from mollusk, a type of shellfish. Lydia's conversion was the start of the establishment of the Church in Philippi."

Who did Paul witness to?

I'm not sure who besides this, but Paul did witness to the guards/jailers when he was in jail in Phillipi

Paul's first prison experience was in the city of?

Rome!Another answer:The first New Testament record of Paul being imprisoned is found in Acts 16, when he and Silas were beaten and imprisoned in the city of Philippi.

What two women labored with paul at philippi?

Eruodias & Syntyche (Phil 4:2-3)

Did the Galatians listen to Paul's letters?

My guess is that the ones addressed to them, they did, but not all letters were addressed to them. For instance Philippi.

What does Philippians mean?

The epistle to the Philippians was a letter St. Paul wrote to the Christians in Philippi, a city of Macedonia.