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The people's abominations are listed in Ezekiel 8 for your reading pleasure.

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Q: What did god show Ezekiel that the people were doing in the temple?
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When did Solomon Ezekiel die?

Solomon Ezekiel died in 1867.

When did the prophet Ezekiel fast?

I want to talk about the misunderstanding about The Prophet Ezekiel and his abstinence from food. 1st let me say that when we read were The Prophet Ezekiel did not eat in Ezekiel 24:15-18 we must understand why he did this: Ezekiel had an order from God to not eat only the food that people brought to him when his wife died. And it was to show Israel how they would respond when the Lord destroyed the desires of their eyes which was the Temple and God was also going to kill their sons and daughters. It wasn't a fast because it did not say that he didn't eat ANYTHING it just says he didn't eat the food brought to him by consoling friends. Too me that wasn't a fast that was only not excepting what those friends brought him when he lost his wife.

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no Ezekiel shows up in Jeopardy only in Biblical questions a few times

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in Hinduism and bu Temple was a place where God stays. To show people that heaven is very beautiful Temple has carvings.

How was the temple a sign of rebellion?

1. when a temple is desecrated 2. if it is taken over by another religion 3. people have temples to show they are more powerful 4. person who made the temple gain's a powerful reputation 5.temples show power and strength against a foe

What good lesson can you learn from the Book of Ezekiel that you can apply in your everyday life aside from religious?

Ezekiel's message taught all people is to show the significance of a prophets warning and the individual responsibility of every person for the consequences of his own behavior. Ezekiel was a man of many visions and spoke of the future restoration of Israel and the glory of the millennial reign of the Lord.

What are some of the events that one can find at Iskcon Temple?

It has a small souvenir shop in it that people can buy Iskon Temple memorabilia. People will go inside and buy things to take home and to show their loved ones and to prove they were actually there!

What can you do to encourage people to recycle?

Start doing it yourself and show people the difference over time, also show the hard truths when you don't recycle

How do you get on the show legends of the hidden temple?

AnswerYou will be unable to get on the show because the show filmed from 1993-1995 and is no longer on the air. If you want to pretend that you were on the show you can get Legends of the Hidden Temple shirts at

What does the picture show who do you think the people are in it and what do you think they are doing?

A Picture is worth a thousand words is that why they say. So when looking at a picture you can see people and look at what they are doing. Sometimes it isnÍt clear who is in the pic or what they are doing.

Why are flags raised outside of Temple's?

Flags are the simbels for understanding about them always flags raisef outside to look. clearly its a temple...

Where is the chaos temple in runescape?

The Chaos Temple is in the "Wilderness". Look at your world map search "Chaos Temple" and it should show you where it is anyways.