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He took for trips, on the first he encountered a starving man, the second a sick man, the third a dead man who turned out to be the starving man, and the fourth and maybe most important, a monk.

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three things: aging sickness and death

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A rock

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Q: What did Siddhartha discover about the real world once he left the security of his palace?
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Why did the king keep Siddhartha in the palace?

Because the king don't want his son , not to see the world's suffering.

Why budhaa leave the home?

he wanted to discover the world for himself because he was trapped inside the palace and not allowed to go out (because his parents are afraid of the outside world for their son)

Why did the Buddha leave the palace?

Siddhartha was a prince that lived in a life of luxury in his palace owned by his father , his father dint want his son to be distressed by the outside world so he hid away any signs of it but one day Siddhartha decided to go on his chariot to see the outside world out there he found a sick man, a holy man, a dead man and an old man each time he saw one of these people he said stop the chariot and asked what was wrong with the man then he went back to the palace to figure out why people where suffering!

What caused Siddhartha to look at the outside world Differently?

What caused Prince Siddhartha Gautama to look outside world differently because he never went to the outside world.

Why did Siddhartha leave the palace?

he was not content with the Caste System and discrimination caused by it. he also did not like the idea of worshipping idols when there are people suffering and they need help. this caused him to leave Hinduism.

Which is the largest palace in the world?

Buckingham Palace

Why did Siddhartha Gautama look for the cause of human suffering?

Siddhartha Gautama, also know as the Buddha, was born to a royal family who kept him inside of his palace in order to keep him from seeing suffering, decay and the evil that exists in the world. He remained sheltered until he was 29. One day he left his palace in order to meet his subjects, and during this excursion he saw an old man, a dying person, and other various forms of decay. What he saw shocked him so much that he began a spiritual journey to find out what caused evil and how to escape it.

What did Siddhartha's father want to shield him from?


Why is Siddhartha not happy when the novel opens?

He saw that there was suffering in the world.

Who was in Siddhartha's Family?

Maya was the mother of Siddhartha, and he was her lone youngster. She kicked the bucket not long after his introduction to the world. Pajapati, who later turned into the main Buddhist religious woman, raised Siddhartha as her own. Apparently, Prince Siddhartha and his family were of the Kshatriya station of heroes and aristocrats.

How did Siddhartha Gautama feel when he left his family?

Siddhartha (Buddha) felt sad but he knew that he had to follow his destiny and find the answer to all the suffering in the world

Who was siddartha gotama?

In northern India, around 2,500 years ago, a young prince named Siddhartha Gautama lived a sheltered life of luxury. His parents kept him hidden from the world of human poverty and suffering. Siddhartha's parents believed he would be better off if he thought the world was a place free of sadness and pain.As a young man, Siddhartha ventured outside his home. He discovered a world he had not known to exist. Siddhartha saw death, illness, and grief. However, he also encountered a holy man, full of peace and self-assurance. At that moment, Siddhartha decided that he wanted to understand two things. Why did people suffer? Why was peace radiating from the holy man he had seen on the road? Siddhartha gave up his physical belongings and material wealth. He set out on a journey to find answers to his questions.Eventually, Siddhartha shared his philosophicaldiscoveries with other people. Siddhartha Gautama became known as the Buddha. His teachings form the foundation of the major world religion Buddhism. How did a wealthy prince, who once lived a life of luxury, become an ascetic with few possessions?Siddhartha Gautama was born in northern India in 563 B.C. He belonged to a noble family. His parents tried to protect him from the world. They did not let him venture outside the palace. However, one day Siddhartha went outside of the palace walls. Once outside, he came across some unfamiliar sights. He saw asick man, an old man, and a dead man. (The dead man was being carried by his grieving family.) After viewing these sights, Siddhartha came across a holy man who was sitting by the road. The holy man wore simple clothes. He had few possessions, yet seemed content and full of peace. Siddhartha was greatly affected by this holy man. He made a decision that would greatly change his life and the world.Siddhartha left his home at the age of 29, leaving behind a wife and young son. His goal was to figure out why people suffered. He wanted to understand the peace that he believed the holy man experienced. Siddhartha became an ascetic. He cut off his hair and wore a yellow robe. For six years, Siddhartha traveled and was educated by religious teachers. Throughout this time, he studied, fasted, and prayed. But Siddhartha was only hungry and tired, not satisfied or more at peace. However, Siddhartha hadperseverance.