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He believed in reincarnation and ahimsa

Siddhartha Gautama was the founder of Buddhism. He believed that in order to achieve Nirvana, the ultimate goal of Buddhism, one must not have any desires for worldly items. Answer: Buddha believed:

* All life contains suffering * All suffering is caused by desire * There is a way to escape suffering by eliminating desire * The Eightfold Path is the way Buddha believed it is in every person to achieve the goal of enlightenment following these four noble truths. No deity is required to achieve this.

So Buddha believed in every person. He did not believe in a god(s)

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13y ago

Hi philosophy was to love every little thing about anything. There is no point in stressing because it never bring happiness, only anger and hatred. Money doesn't create happiness because you will still be stressful and unhappy whether you have money or not. Relieve yourself of stress and worry, then you will be happy and ahieve enlightenment.

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by following a middle way.

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Is it true that Siddhartha Gautama Buddha was born to tell the truth?


Are true of meditation in Buddhism?

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