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He gave them knowledge to know good from bad because originally humans were D.U.M.B

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Q: What did Satan offer Eve if she would disobey God?
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Would you be in paradise if not for Adam and Eve?

Maybe, if Lucifer didn't disobey God he woud'nt be Satan and the snake to tempt Adam and Eve.

What was Satan's main motive for tempting Adam and Eve to sin?

Opposition to God is Satan's main motive for tempting Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve were created by God. God intended for the couple to know good and live forever. So Satan was motivated to get Adam and Eve to know evil, disobey and disrespect their creator, and die.

Who were the first humans to disobey god?

Adam and eve were the first humans to disobey god.

Why did Eve trust the snake?

She didn't "trust" Satan (the snake). She was tempted. Satan kept telling Eve that the fruit would give Eve the intelligence of God. So she gave in.

What was eve promised by the serpent?

The serpent Satan, told Eve that if she ate the fruit she would be wise as god.

What were the 3 attractions Satan used to tempt eve?

Satan never tempted Eve, a serpent did in the story of Adam and Eve.

Did god warn of Adam and Eve of Satan?

yes as adam and eve where the first creatures or humans ever created,god warned them of satan as they would be led god ordered them not to believe satan.but the satan ruined them

Was Adam and Eve blind?

No, if they were blind then Eve would never has ate the fruit on the tree that satan was offering. Then adam and Eve wouldn't of disappointed God.

What does Satan do when he first sees eve?

Satan tempts Eve to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

What was the lie that Satan promised?

Satan, in the form of a serpent, assured Eve that "Ye shall not surely die". He also told her they would be 'as gods'.

Who gave the world to Satan?

God gave dominion of the Earht to Adama & Eve; and by disobeying God, Adam and Eve allowed Satan to take it.

Who was with Adam in the Garden of Eden?

God and Satan. Then, Eve.