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a piece of wood

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Q: What did Moses throw into the bitter waters to sweeten it?
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How did Moses make the bitter waters of Marah drinkable in the Bible?

Exodus 15:22-25 He called out to the Lord on behalf of the people. The Lord told him to throw a piece of wood into the water. When he did, the water became drinkable. It was a miracle of the Lord's provision for His people once again. There is nothing inherent in a piece of wood that can purify bitter water.

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Can an apple be bitter?

a non commercial veriety can be and if so its probably due to cyanide so dont eat it. or it may have a rotton core (a storage disease). either way, if its bitter throw it out

1970's song throw it down Moses?

Link to a recording of the song: Here are the lyrics: Moses by Ken Medema Old Moses, way back there in the wilderness, Saw some smoke, came to the bush, And the bush was burnin’. God said, “Take off your shoes, Moses. You’re on holy ground. Moses, I’ve chosen you to be my man, Moses, ‘way down in Egypt land. Moses, I’ve chosen you to work for me, Moses, I’ve chosen you to set my people free.” “Not me, Lord. Don’t you know I can’t talk so good; I stutter all the time. Do you know my brother Aaron? He can sing like an angel, talk like a preacher. Not me, Lord. I can’t talk so good. And another thing... How will they know that I’ve been here with you? How will they know what you’ve sent me to do? Don’t you know in Egypt, they want little Moses’ head? Don’t you know in Egypt, they want little Moses dead? Don’t you know they’ll never hear a single word I say? Maybe you’d better get your dirty work done another way. Not me, Lord!” “What’s that in your hand, Moses?” “It’s just a rod.” “Throw it down, Moses.” “Do you mean, like, on the ground?” “Yes, I said throw it down, Moses.” “Lord, don’t take my rod away from me. Don’t you know it’s my only security? Don’t you know when you live here all alone, A man’s gotta have something he can call his own? Not me, Lord!” “Throw it down, Moses.” “But, Lord, I...” “Throw it down, Moses.” “But...” “Throw it down, Moses!” Moses threw the rod on the ground, And the rod became a hissing snake! Well, Moses started runnin’. Well, maybe you’d run. Well, maybe I’d run. He was a-runnin’ from a hot rod! Runnin’ from a hissing snake! Runnin’ scared of what God’s gonna do! Runnin’ scared, he’ll get a hold of you! And the Lord said, “Stop! Pick it up Moses, by the tail!” “Lord, you have not lived here very long! Lord, you’ve got the whole thing wrong! Don’t you know that you never pick up A hissing snake by his...” “Pick it up, Moses!” “Oh, God, it’s a rod again!” “Do you know what it means, Moses? Do you know what I’m trying to say, Moses?” The rod of Moses became the rod of God. With the rod of God, strike the rock and the water will come. With the rod of God, part the waters of the sea. With the rod of God, you can strike old Pharaoh dead. With the rod of God, you can set the people free. What do you hold in your hand today? To what or to whom are you bound? Are you willing to give it to God right now? Give it up, let it go, throw it down.

How do you get rid of the bitter taste in broccoli rabe?

In order to get the bitter taste out of broccoli rabe, you must first boil it. The trick is to first blanch it in plenty of salty water to tame its bitterness and coax out its sweet side.

2 slang words?

Well, "slang" is actually slang for "short language". Another good one I'd throw out there is "salty" for people who are bitter or upset.

How do you prevent lettuce from going brown?

Bitterness can be caused by too little water, but often the bitterness can be inherited from the parent plant. Never save the seeds of a bitter lettuce. Also, some varieties are more prone to producing the occasional bitter-tasting lettuces.

What does the latin word iacere mean?

"sharp" Just as in English, it can mean "piercing" for a sharp and shrill noise, "acrid" for a sharp, bitter taste, "keen" as in a sharp mind, and so on.

How do you defeat Burrowing Snagrets in Pikmin 2?

Simply throw Pikmin onto its head. Yellow Pikmin are the best for this, since they can be thrown higher. It also helps to use Ultra-Spicy and/or Ultra-Bitter Spray.

Can not taste anything and you are 17 weeks pregnant Can only taste whether it is soursweet or bitter Is this normal and is there a way to get your tastebuds back because I don't eat just throw up?

Deffinatly see a doctor. NOT NORMAL!

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Where are the three places in the Quran where Prophet Musa's staff changes into a snake?

First is Sura al-Qasas: [28:30] But when he came to the (Fire), a voice was heard from the right bank of the valley, from a tree in hallowed ground: "O Moses! verily I am Allah the Lord of the Worlds… [28:31] "Now do thou throw thy rod!" But when he saw it moving (of its own accord) as if it had been a snake he turned back in retreat, and retraced not his steps: "O Moses!" (It was said) " Draw near, and fear not: for thou art of those who are secure. The same event is also in Sura an-Naml: [27:9] "O Moses! verily I am Allah the Exalted in Might the Wise!... [27:10] "Now do thou throw thy rod!" But when he saw it moving (of its own accord) as if it had been a snake, He turned back in retreat and retraced not his steps: "O Moses" (it was said) "Fear not: truly in My presence, those called as messengers have no fear― And also in Sura Taha: [20:17] "And what is that in thy right hand, O Moses?" [20:18] He said "It is my rod: on it I lean; with it I beat down fodder for my flocks; and in it I find other uses." [20:19] (Allah) said "Throw it, O Moses!" [20:20] He threw it, and behold! it was a snake, active in motion. Later in Sura Taha, Musa is being challenged by Pharouh's magicians: [20:65] They said: "O Moses! whether wilt thou that thou throw (first) or that we be the first to throw?" [20:66] He said "Nay throw ye first!" Then behold their ropes and their rods― so it seemed to him on account of their magic― began to be in lively motion! [20:67] So Moses conceived in his mind a (sort of) fear. [20:68] We said: "Fear not! For thou hast indeed the upper hand: [20:69] "Throw that which is in thy right hand: quickly will it swallow up that which they have faked. What they have faked is but a magician's trick: and the magician thrives not, (no matter) where he goes." *Above I have used Yusuf Ali's translations. These are not necessarily the best translations available.