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Sons and direct prophecy from God.

Answer:Joshua had no sons, but he did have direct prophecy from God (Joshua 8:18 and many other verses).
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Q: What did Joshua not have and Moses did have?
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Is Joshua Moses' brother?

No, Aaron was Moses' brother. Joshua was appointed by Moses.

Were Moses and Joshua cousins?

No, Moses and Joshua were not cousins. Joshua was Moses " General" when he was fighting in the army. Joshua fought and overcame the battle with a sword. Furthermore, Joshua was of the half-tribe of Ephraim while Moses was of the tribe of Levi.

What is the name of the successor to Moses?

Joshua was the successor to Moses. See Deuteronomy 34 and Joshua 1.

Who led Israelites after Moses died?

Joshua, the son of Nun.

Moses became the leader of the Israelites after Joshua died?

No, Joshua became the leader of the Israelites after Moses died.

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Who took moses place when he lead the Isrialites into the promised land?

Its a man called, Joshua. You can read the bible in the book of Exodus to prove my answer.

Was Joshua the son of Moses?

They were from different tribes. Moses was a Levite; Joshua an Ephraimite.According to Josephus, Joshua was 35 years younger; but due to Joshua's zeal for Jehovah, the two men drew close, despite their age difference. (Somewhat like David and Jonathan.)Joshua was Moses' attendant. When Moses went into Mount Sinai, Joshua stayed up there (perhaps part way up) also for 40 days. Joshua also got to see the 'glory of the God of Israel'.Joshua was one of two faithful spies for Moses among the 12 who spied out the Promised Land for 40 days.Joshua was also an army general for Moses (Ex 17:9).He was also one of the 70 older men chosen by Moses to represent Moses in judicial problems among the people.It was Moses who 'placed his hand on Joshua' and appointed him to be his successor.

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Where in the Bible does it tell about Joshua taking over after Moses?

The last chapters of the book of Deuteronomy discuss Moses' succession by Joshua.

Did Joshua want to take over for Moses?

Joshua was willing to obey God, and thus was willing to take over from Moses.

Who was Moses successor?

Joshua was the next leader and God allowed Joshua to lead theIsraelite's into the land of Promise Joshua Chap 1: 1-3 Now after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD it came to pass, that the LORD spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying, Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.