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Mandate of Israel:

Maschiach, Hebrew for the "THE ANNOINTED ONE". It is a shortened form of the full title of The Annointed One of the Congregation/Kingdom/People of Israel.

This office belongs to Israel according to the Tanak and the Covenant.



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John the Baptist called Jesus "the Lamb of God." This title signifies Jesus as the sacrificial offering for the forgiveness of sins, drawing on the imagery of a lamb being sacrificed in Jewish tradition.

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Q: What did John the Baptist call Jesus that begins with m?
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Why do we call John the Baptist John the Baptist?

we call him that because he was the first to legitimately baptize, and because he baptized Jesus

At the Jordan River what did John the Baptist call Jesus?

John the baptist was his cousin. Although there was an other John people think he is the cousin of Jesus but he was not, but he was a deciple.

When did Jesus call his disciples?

After He is baptized by John, Jesus begins to call His disciples (John 1:35-51).

Why did Jesus call John the Baptist a prophet?

Because St. John was Filled with the Holy Spirit.

Did people call John the Baptist John?

Yes they did.

John the Apostel and John the Baptist are not the same person?

No. They are not the same. St John the Apostle was a former fisherman who was called to be one of the twelve disciples whom Jesus taught and trained during his ministry here on earth (Luke 5:1-11). John the Baptist was Jesus' cousin, born to Elizabeth and Zacharias (Luke 1:1-80; 3:1-18) who preached repentance to the Jews prior to Jesus' earthly ministry. John the Baptist is also call the "forerunner" of Christ because of his ministry to prepare others to receive Jesus' message of salvation.

Were Jesus Christ and John the Baptist the same age?

The direct answer to your question is NO. John the Baptist was not born of a virgin like Christ. The angel Gabriel visits Zacharias while he is duing priestly work in the temple. The angel tells Zacharias that his wife Elizabeth will bear him a son and call his name John. The angel informs Zacharias that his son will be filled with the Holy Spirit from birth. (Luke 1:13-15). Because Zacharias does not believe the news of the birth of a son, he is deaf until his son is born. Like Christ, John the Baptist was filled with the Spirit from birth. However, only Jesus was born of a virgin and was sinless. John the Baptist had a sinful nature just like us and had to believe that Jesus was the Christ (Messiah). Jesus had a heavenly father and John the Baptist had an earthly father like all other humans. Jesus was the exception.

What did John the Baptist call the priests?

A generation of vipers.

What happened when Jesus first met Simon-Peter?

Actually John says Peter and his brother Andrew were the disciples of John the Baptist, so when he met jess he left his nets and followed him, Jesus said you are Simon I shall call you Peter, The Rock.On this Rock I will build my church.

How do you get probate forms from Saint John the Baptist parish?

Call the parish office.

Whose name did John the Baptist baptize in?

Mandate of Israel: Yokanan got "John the baptist" name from the gentiles. His name would have looked like this : YOKANAN BEN ??? where ???= his father's name. Sort of like Ethan McDougal: Ethan son of Dougal. The Hebrew word ben means son of. ******************************************** John the Baptist got his name as he went out to baptise the people before Christ arrived.

The Virgin Mary had a cousin Elizabeth who was her child?

Mary Stewart, Queen of Scotland's cousin Elizabeth I of England never had a baby. That is why Elizabeth was known as the 'Virgin Queen'. Elizabeth I was never married and never had a child so she did not call her baby anything because it did not exist.