

Best Answer
  1. They all came from Bethsaida in Galilee.

  2. They were all fishermen.

  3. They were all disciples of Jesus.

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Q: What did John have in common with Andrew and peter?
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Which of Jesus' disciples were fishermen?

Simon(Peter) and John. Also, James and Andrew were fishermen.

Was Peter and Andrew a disciple of John the Baptist?

St. Andrew was a disciple of St. John the Baptist.

Which of these was the brother of Andrew John the Baptist or the apostle John?

Neither, as it was Simon Peter as Andrew's brother.

Who are the Names of disciples fishing with peter?

They were Andrew , James and John.

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Andrew Hamilton was his lawyer.

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Simon Peter, called at the same time was his brother Andrew.

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Andrew Hamilton was John Peter Zenger's Lawyer in 1735.

Who was John that Jesus speaks about when Andrew brought his brother Simon Peter to him and called him the son of John?

The story is found in John 1:35-42. It is believed that the two disciples of John the Baptist (the John mentioned in :35 was John the Baptist) were John who became an apostle and Andrew who also became an apostle. Andrew's brother was Simon (Peter) who was the son of Jonah (not John).

Who was originally a disciple of John the Baptist?

St. Andrew, the brother of Peter.

Which of Jesus disciples were fishermen on the sea of Galilee?

Peter, James, John, and Andrew

Who was with Saint Peter when he was called to be a disciple?

According to Mark and Matthew, Jesus saw Simon and Andrew fishing in Galilee, and commanded them to follow him. He later named Simon, Peter.Luke follows Mark in its explanation of how Jesus met Peter, but says that Peter was not actually chosen as an apostle until some time later, when Jesus called all his apostles together and chose twelve, one of whom was Peter, to be apostles.John says that Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist, who told him to follow Jesus. Andrew went and got his brother, Simon Peter, and brought him to Jesus (John 1:35-42).

Why did Jesus chose Andrew as a Disciple?

Jesus chose Andrew as a disciple because he was a fervent follower of John the Baptist and was seeking the Messiah. Andrew demonstrated faith and a willingness to learn from Jesus, making him a suitable candidate to be one of the twelve apostles. Additionally, Andrew played a key role in bringing others to Jesus, including his brother Peter.