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The Jews had to wear the star of David. I guess soldiers fighting the war had to wear symbols of the countries they were fighting for.

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16y ago
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11y ago

The main one was the Star of David, be it a yellow star, or a blue star on a white background. Then i suppose there is the menorah and the kippah.

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12y ago

They had to wear the yellow Star of David on their outer clothing in Germany and other countries under Nazi rule.

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11y ago

Nothing they were naked

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Q: What did Jews wear during World War 2?
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What Jews had to wear on their clothing during world war 2?

A star.

What were all Jews required to wear during World War 2?

A yellow star that indicates they are Jews.

Did Jews have to wear a red J on their shirts during World War 2?

No, but they did have to wear a star on their clothing.

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To segregate them.

During the second World War what European countries required Jews to wear yellow stars?

Germany and all the countries that Germany had occupied.

Which countries did Jews migrate to during and after World War 2?

The Jews migrated to Palestine after World War 2.

Where on their body did the Jews wear the yellow star world war 2?

on the chest

What symbol did the Jews wear in World War 2?

A yellow Star of David

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How did Jews get to shanghai during World War 2?

By ship

What happened to Swedish Jews during World War 2?

Sweden was neutral in World War 2, so Swedish Jews were safe in Sweden.