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God's Law is eternal and does not change. In the Old Testament, 'sacrificial laws' were given to the Congregation of Israel to help them keep the Law. But no animal sacrifice could remove sin - only the perfect sacrifice of Christ can and does do that upon repentance and baptism now with the gift of God's Holy Spirit to help the follower emulate Jesus.

Upon Jesus' death and resurrection, the need for the sacrificial laws discontinued and required a change in Administration - from various human High Priest to Jesus Christ our eternal High Priest. These are the only modifications to the entire package of Old Testament Laws. The Basic Law capsulized in the Ten Commands are still in effect. They are further reduced to two basic Laws of Love: first and foremost God and secondly all our fellow mankind.

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Jesus said he did not come to nullify they law, but to fulfill it.

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Q: What did Jesus teach to the first Christians about the old testament?
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