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Answer: Jesus said that many would fail to keep the Word of God for keeping the traditions of man (religion) Jesus said I desire mercy not sacrifice ( love and relationship, not religion) Jesus is the Last Sacrifical Lamb This is in referrence to what the Jews would have to do before the time of Christ in a forward rememberence of the Messiah who was to come. Isaiah 9:6 For a son is born to us a child is given and His name will be Wonerful Counselor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Jesus is God and the Father is God and the Holy Spirit is God and Love is God and Truth is God and The Way is God! God is only personified in 3 personalities no other personaifications (people) can be God The Jews knew that the Messiah would be God because of Isaiah 9:6 so when Jesus told the Jews "Before Abraham, I AM" They knew He was claiming to be the Messiah and Equal with God but they were caught up in religion and not the truth of their own long studied text There is no tradtion that will earn right standing but only faith, love and relationship with God Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Muslims, Buddhists, Faith Prosperity and many Christian Religions and People are caught up in religion!!!! The Bible is pure and stands alone as the Word of God and "The Word became Flesh" Worship is reserved for Christ! Not Mary or the Pope or Allah or Muhammed or Joseph Smith or Michael the Archangel, or Guatama Buddah nor You or I

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13y ago

Jesus said that you shouldn't be showy or show off your faith as a status symbol, as the pharisees did. But instead, pray where only the Lord can see you. Give your tithes in private. This doesnt mean that u cant share your faith. Show Gods love to people, and spread His word!

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14y ago

Religion means "An institution to express belief in a divine power" Therefore Christ was the source or many religions. Then it is how you interpret the word. One can say that "He taught the Catholic religion". Many will say yes, then others will say no because of some technical point in the words meaning. This writer feels that both are right.

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Q: What did Jesus say about religion?
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The Bible doesn't say but I don't think she did.

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Nowhere is it mentioned in the bible of Jesus and his religion. Jesus came for relation with man instead.

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