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He'll tell you if you pray about it.. ^^ The Bible isn't missing these chapters, they just aren't in there. (Or maybe those years of his life were not significant enough to be put in the Bible.. You never know.)

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We don't know what Jesus did in these 18 years, as the Bible gives us no insight into His life after 12 years of age. A few verses below give us some minor understanding.

The reason is that God in His sovereignty has chosen not to reveal any details to us. We don't know God's reasoning, so it's no use speculating as many people do. Some people say Jesus went here or He went there, went overseas, did this or did that, but that is nothing more than pure guesswork. If it had been important for us to know, God would have given us the details. We are not meant to know and we need to leave it at that.

Joseph was a carpenter, so presumably He helped in his work. See, I'm guessing too, now.

What we do know and God has revealed to us is this: after the baby Jesus was presented to the Lord in the Temple for the ceremony of purification (Luke 2:40) ...."that the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon Him..." and also in Luke 2:49 the 12 year old boy Jesus said to His Mother and Joseph .."Do you not know that I must be about My Father's (God's) businessand in v.52 it states "and Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and men".


So in these 18 years - what we do know is this:- 1. He grew, became strong in spirit and was filled with wisdom with God's grace over Him 2. He was about His Father's business and 3. He increased in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and men.

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Q: What did Jesus do from the age of 12 to 30 years and why is it not mentioned in the Bible?
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