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Jesus told the disciples that he would send the comforter, after he goes. Meaning the Holy spirit. Note that it is not something, but Somebody, comparable with Christ Himself. And he is God, not a creature or an impersonal energy:

"But Peter said, 'Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit [....] How have you thought up this deed in your heart? You have not lied to people but to God! ' " (Acts 5:34 NET)

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Q: What did Jesus call the Holy Spirit?
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No. Jesus distinguishes pretty clearly between the Father and the Holy Spirit.

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No way, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are just different forms of the same God. Trinity= Father+Son(Jesus)+ Holy Spirit. Jesus was not possessed by anyone or anything.

If you say Jesus possessed by the holy spirit are you in trouble?

No, saying that Jesus was possessed by the Holy Spirit is a common belief in Christian theology. It reflects the understanding that Jesus, as both divine and human, was empowered by the Holy Spirit in his ministry on earth.

Is the Holy Spirit Jesus's father?

No. Jesus distinguishes pretty clearly between the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Why did Jesus call John the Baptist a prophet?

Because St. John was Filled with the Holy Spirit.

What do you call the day the Holy Spirit came?

After Jesus was crucified god sent the holy spirit to be with the disciples always in his place.Roman Catholic Answer:The day is called Pentecost. Right before his Ascension, Jesus told the disciples to wait in Jerusalem to receive the Holy Spirit. After that they were empowered by the Holy Spirit and filled with "all knowledge" to go out and convert the world.

When Jesus ascended what did Peter do?

he waited with the other disiples for the Holy Spirit to come.