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yazeed was a corrupted person he want to change the shariyat of islaam he was a dictator drinker and aiyaash he was baatil he capture the islaamik hukumat by force he was a persion of bani ummaiya. the bani umaiya was fast enemy of bani haashim the banihashim belong to nasleibrahim and that qabila is Mohammad s.a. and when the god rise this qabila and the last nabi bourn in this qabila then the banihashim becem the most respectfull qabila on the earth it was main reson the bani umaiya think what i do then he make a plan abu sufiyan created a fals baiyat on the hand of rasool hinda was his wife she has chaving the kaleja of ameer HAMAZA the maviya is son of hinda the islaam can not interd in there heart that was a policy they tell that we are Muslim but that was wrong and yazeed was son of maviya he was very cruel person hi was zaalim

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Q: What did Imam Al-Ghazali say about Yazid ibn Mu'awiya?
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