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God said, "Will the hand of God then be seen to be lacking? Now you will see if My word will be fulfilled or not" (Numbers ch.11).

It should be noted that Moses didn't doubt God's ability in the simple sense. In the very next chapter, God gives Moses the highest of praise, clearly indicating that Moses hadn't doubted Him.

Rather, Moses doubted God's willingness to perform an open miracle for the entire nation. Food can almost always be procured by one natural means or another (the Israelites had plenty of livestock, as evidenced in Numbers ch.32); and it is a general rule that God isn't quick to abrogate the natural laws which He Himself had created. Besides, the Israelites had manna to eat; so the grumbling about meat was not a matter of survival.

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Q: What did God say when Moses doubted His ability to feed the Israelites?
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How much food did it take to feed the israelites in the wilderness for 40 years?

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