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God promised Abraham that if he would leave his homeland and listen to god, and only go where god would lead him, his desendents would be as the number of stars in the sky and the number of grains in the sand which are unaccountable.

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Q: What did God promise Abraham if he was faithful?
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What did Abraham promise God in the convenant?

Faithful obedience in all of God's commands:Genesis 26:5New King James Version (NKJV) 5 because Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws."Abraham is called the 'father of the faithful.'

How would knowledge of God's promise to Abraham have affected the Israelites as they faced a hostile culture and persecution?

Knowledge of God's covenant made the Israelites optimistic and faithful to God. It is the reason that 3800 years have passed and Judaism hasn't disappeared.

How was the birth of their skn a fulfillment of the promise made between god and abraham?

The birth of their skin a fulfillment of laughter was the promise made between God and Abraham. This is from the Bible.

How does the Lineage of Esau show God's fulfillment of His promise to Abraham?

The lineage of Esau is irrelevant to God's promise to Abraham, the promise will be fulfilled by Jesus Christ, who is of the lineage of Jacob, Esau's twin brother.

What promise did the Israelites believe god mad to Abraham?

They believe that God promised to protect Abraham and his people.

Write short notes on the promise land what does promise land mean?

The "Promised Land" refers to the "land" that God promised to Abraham and his descendants, because:"...that Abraham obeyed My voice, and kept My charge, My Commandments, My statutes, and My laws." (Gen.26:5)The New Testament summarizes this "Promised Land" as being THE EARTH!Ultimately to be fulfilled with the establishment of theKingdom of God on earth by Jesus Christ... who was and is the God of the Old Testament who made the Promise to "faithful" Abraham [see John 1:3]."For the PROMISE, that HE SHOULD BE THE HEIR OF THE WORLD, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the Righteousness of Faith." (Rom.4:13)"Know ye therefore that they which are of Faith, the same are the children of Abraham." (Gal.3:7)"And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and Heirs ACCORDING TO THE PROMISE." (verse 29)That's what the "Promised Land" is. It's the Promise of the coming Kingdom of God to be established on earth by Abraham's God, Jesus Christ... along with all of Abraham's "Faithful" children -- the Sons of God.That's one reason why Jesus came "in the flesh"... to "confirm" the promises of the "Salvation of all the families of the earth; and the Kingdom.""...Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision [the Jews] for the Truth of God, to CONFIRM THE PROMISESmade unto the fathers [Abraham, Isaac and Jacob]..." (Rom.15:8)." shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the Kingdom of God..." (Luke 13:28).The EARTH is the LAND that was PROMISED to Faithful Abraham.Jesus Christ began the fulfillment of the Promise through His mortal death and shedding of His Divine Blood... and shall complete the Promise when the Eternally Living Christ returns to establish the Kingdom on earth -- the Land Promised to Abraham and his children.

What did abraam promise to god?

Abraham promised to god that he would only worship one god. P.S. you misspelled Abraham : )

What is the word for Abraham's promise with god?

The word is covenant.

Why did Abraham doubt God's promise?

lack of faith

What did god promise to Abraham if he killed Isaac?

God didn't promise Abraham anything. God just told him to sacrifice his son Isaac and Abraham, being obedient to God, was going to do what God told him to do. That is until God stopped him. God was seeing if Abraham would still be willing to obey God even if it meant killing his only son.

Who was known as the Father of the Faithful?

Humanly speaking, Abraham. However, Jehovah God is the ultimate "Father of the Faithful."

What does it mean God revealed himself faithful?

God will stick to his promise no matter what you do. God is a god that will not change under no condition.