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God told him to "go to the land that I (God) shall tell you," and Abraham journeyed to Canaan (Present-day Israel) and lived there (Genesis ch.12).

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Q: What did God command Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia And what did Abraham do?
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Abraham was born in Ur (in Mesopotamia) and began preaching Judaism there. Shortly afterwards, at God's command, he came to the Holy Land (then called Canaan) and raised a family and continued his teaching.

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What was gods command about Abraham leaving his home?

God commanded Abraham to leave his home and journey to a land that God would show him, promising to make him into a great nation and bless him. Abraham's faith in following God's command is a significant aspect of the story in the Bible.

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One important difference is that Abraham believed in one God, while the people of Mesopotamia believed in multiple gods. Abraham's monotheistic belief was a departure from the polytheistic beliefs commonly held in Mesopotamia. This difference in religious beliefs had significant implications for the development of monotheism in the region.

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God told Abraham to leave Mesopotamia and settle elsewhere

Who is Abraham from Mesopotamia?

Abraham is an important figure in the religious traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. According to the Hebrew Bible, he is considered the patriarch and progenitor of the Israelite people. He was born in Ur, a city in ancient Mesopotamia, and is known for his covenant with God and his journey from Mesopotamia to the land of Canaan.

What made Abraham lead the Hebrews to Canaan?

God's command (Genesis 12:1).

What were the Hebrews promised in return for leaving Mesopotamia?

Abraham the Hebrew was promised by God that he would he would become renowned, that he would become a great nation, and that he would be blessed by Him, after he would leave Mesopotamia (Genesis 12:1-2). See also:More about Abraham

Which country was Abraham from?


Who was born in mesopotamia in 2000 bc?

Abraham was born in Mesopotamia,2000 B.C.

What did Abarham get in return for sacrificing Issac?

Abraham received a ram to sacrifice instead of his son Isaac. This demonstrated Abraham's faith and willingness to obey God's command.

How did Abraham's religion ediffer from the religions of other peoples in Mesopotamia?

Monotheism is the biggest difference of Abraham's religion and the religions of other people in Mesopotamia.