In the story of David and Goliath David was a young shepperd boy. He had brothers fighting in Saul's army at the time and was sent by his father to bring his brothers food. When he arrived he saw that Goliath was blaspheming God. He became upset and went into the king's tent and told the King he would fight Goliath. The king told him no at first but he was determined to fight for his God and eventually persuaded the king to allow him to fight Goliath. He walked to a stream picked 5 stones and using a sling shot hit Goliath in the middle of his with a rock killing the giant and sending the Philistines running with king Saul in shock.
Samuel inspected seven of Jesse's sons before God told him David was to be the anointed one.
South America
No such story exists in the Bible. The story was probably just told as tradition.
The Bible. 1 & 2 Samuel would be a good bet.
The prophet Samuel anointed David as king of Israel.
You can read about him in the Old Testament book of 1 Samuel begining in Chapter 17
David Samuel Margoliouth died in 1940.
Samuel David Ferguson died in 1916.
Samuel David Ferguson was born in 1842.
David Samuel Margoliouth was born in 1858.
David B. Samuel was born in 1874.
David Samuel - bishop - was born in 1930.