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humanists believe that they have to make it a better world now, here on earth and that we should be kind and not make war on each other, life is too short for that.

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Q: What did Christian humanist believe?
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How were the Christian humanist different from humanist of Italian renaissance?

The Christian humanists wanted balance, and the Italian humanists wanted peace and happiness in their lives.

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The Christian humanists wanted balance, and the Italian humanists wanted peace and happiness in their lives.

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Erasmus of Rotterdam is often considered the most famous Christian humanist. He was a Dutch scholar and thinker known for his works on theology, education, and classical literature that emphasized the importance of critical thinking and ethical behavior. His ideas had a significant impact on the shaping of the Renaissance and Reformation periods.

How were the Christian humanist different from the humanist of the Italian Renaissance?

The Christian humanists wanted balance, and the Italian humanists wanted peace and happiness in their lives.

Do humanist believe in Jesus?

Humanists don't have a religion, therefore they don't believe in Jesus.