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Q: What did Auschwitz concentration camp buy to kill Jews?
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Who was auschwiz?

auschwiz is a death camp to kill captured victims of Nazis

When was the concentration camp at Auschwitz established what was the purpose?

Auschwitz was established in May 1940. It's purpose was to carry out Hitler's Final Solution to the Jewish problem; to kill Europe's Jews.

Auschwitz roles in the holocaust?

It roles as to be run as a concentration camps and a extermination camp Kill as much jews as possible whiles making a profit from the labour workers

What was used to kill Jews in the concetration camps?

In a concentration camp it was overwork and undernourishment. But in a DEATHCAMP, which is different to a concentration camp, they used Zyclon-B gas or shooting to kill the Jews..

Is Auschwitz a ghetto?

no. it was a Nazi camp used to hold, and kill Jews during ww2.

What was the gruesomest thing about concentration camp?

Probably how the Jews had to burn, bury and kill other Jews.

What was Westerbork?

Westerbork was a camp where Jews were sent. Those Jews where then transported to concentration camps to kill them.

How was the Auschwitz camp like?

Auschwitz concentration camps is an imfaous okace to be in, Thousands of people died daily, The living conditions was poor for the prisoners,the SS Officers their dont care who they kill and how many they killed. Auschwitz is a killing camp and a working to death camp 1.2 million jews were killed by shootings, Gassing, Beatings or working to death and many people worked as slave labourers

Where did the Nazis bring the Jews?

They would bring the Jews to concentration camps, like Auschwitz where they would usually kill them in som way.

How did Westerbork kill the Jews?

Westerbork sent them to concentration camps like Auschwitz there they were killed. <><><> Westerbork- the camp when Anne Frank was sent- was a transit camp. People from that camp were transported to other camps, where they were killed, usually by poison gas. Link at the bottom of this page to an article on Westerbork-

What was the purpose of the Auschwitz camp?

The purpose of the Auschwitz camp was to kill people or put them to work.

What was the concentration camp Auschwitz purpose?

The Purpose of auschwitz was to kill as much people as posible whiles making a seriouse profit from something else to cover the resource cost and help the german economy during the war