what is the question
what is the question
Everyone, everywhere should accept other religions, whether or not they do, I don't know. Buddhism may not accept other religions as a whole, but you should only think about it on a person to person basis.
There is no accepted dogma in Buddhism, which allows its adherents to come to believe on their own without somebody telling them what they should believe in.
There are two possible reasons for studying Buddhism. You may be drawn to Buddhist spirituality and feel that you may wish to become a Buddhist yourself. Or, you are interested in the study of comparative religions, and wish to know a little about Buddhism as well as other religions such as Christianity and, say, Hinduism.If you fully understand why you are interested in Buddhism, then you will be in a position to decide whether to invest some effort into the study of Buddhism.
They believe in the Lotus Sutra. They follow the beliefs of the Historic Buddha
There are estimated to be around 4,300 religions in the world.
They believe that you should always help people no matter what
Asoka believed in tolerance and coexistence of religions different from Buddhism. He promoted religious harmony and respected other faiths, encouraging his subjects to live peacefully and practice their own religions without fear of persecution.
Jannah is a word in Arabic it is like a place after you die and if you are a good person you go there it is heaven that's what it means.You should do what your religion does like if you are christian you have to do what the bible says and if you are Muslim you should do what Quran says and if you are Judaism do what Jews believe in and if you are Hinduism do what Hindus believe in and if you Buddhism do what Buddhism believe in and so on!
I believe so, but if you need to know for sure you should just look it up.
So you may learn all knowledge and figure out exactly what you believe in and why.