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All of them do, so some extent. A girl becomes bat mitzvah as a matter of age, regardless of whether the event is celebrated. Celebrating the bat mitzvah in much the way the bar mitzvah has traditionally been celebrated began in 1922 in the United States. Among liberal Jews (Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist, Renewal and Humanist) there is now little difference between a bar mitzvah and a bat mitzvah, as the girl is considered just as able to lead part of the service as a boy. On the Modern Orthodox side, the girl will not lead services, but may give a dvar torah at a service (a sermon). On the Hassidic side of things, some families have female-only gatherings where the girl does more than just give a sermon, but not lead any of the elements of the liturgy, since that is for men.

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What is the plural for Bat Mitzvah in Hebrew?

The plural for a bat mitzvah is a b'nai mitzvah

What is the name of a bar mitzvah party?

NO Barmitzvah's are for men. BATmitzvah's are for women

Where could a Bat Mitzvah take place?

The Bat Mitzvah takes place in the synagogue.

Where do people get their bat mitzvah invitations?

You can order bat mitzvah invitations at stationary stores.

What is a girl's mitzvah event called?

Girls Bar Mitzvah is called a Bat Mitzvah. A Bat Mitzvah happens when a Jewish girl turns 12 years old. Once the girl reaches that age she is an adult according to the Jewish law. This means that the girl will have to follow all applicable rules. During the ceremony the Bat-Mitzvah girl will wear the dress of her choice.

What is the female equivalent of bar mitzvah?

Bat Mitzvah

What has the author Bert Metter written?

Bert Metter has written: 'Bar Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah' -- subject(s): Bar mitzvah, Bat mitzvah, Juvenile literature

How do you write a bat mitzvah card?

Just like you did when you asked the question: Bat Mitzvah.

When did Bat Mitzvah massacre happen?

Bat Mitzvah massacre happened on 2002-01-17.

Can men be present for the bat mitzvah?

Yes. With one caveat: The sexes would pray on separate sides of a partition for an Orthodox bat mitzvah, but not for a Conservative or Reform bat mitzvah.

How do Jewish celebrat adolescence?

They have Bar Mitzvah ceremonies for boys & Bat Mitzvah ceremonies for girls.

What is a bat mitzvah for 2 girls called?

It is called a B'not Mitzvah, and a Bat Mitzvah for more than two girls is also called this.