This is in Acts 19:2, when people were baptized unto John, but John's baptism was no longer the current way; it was superseded by the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
Most Denominations do believe in baptizing in the Name of the Father, the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Ghost as Jesus Himself instructed.
The Pentecostal belief of the baptism of the Holy Ghost is speaking in tongues as the spirit of God gives the utterance.
No with out Repentance and Water Baptism in Jesus name you can not Receive the Holy Ghost Acts 2:38
Yes I believe as the bible says go and baptize in the name ofthe father god and the holy spirit
It depends on whether the Christian is apostolic or not Pentecostals believe in the trinity and the baptism of the holy ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues apostolics believe in the oneness of God that Jesus is the God of the old testament manifested in the flesh, the baptism in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins and the baptism of the Holy Ghost this fulfilling the commandment of Jesus in Matt 28:19.
Yes he did .
There is no such thing in Judaism.
Not really. The dove is used as a symbol for the Holy Spirit which is very heavily involved in Baptism.
Apostolics do believe in the anointing of the Holy Ghost.
Yes, Christians believe that the dove represents the filling of the Holy Ghost.
Lutherans accept the doctrine of the Trinity and, as such, the Holy Spirit is regarded an equal part of the godhead. They believe that the Holy Spirit is given at baptism. They adopt the view expressed by Christian denominations in the Nicene Creed: And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of life, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son; who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified; who spake by the Prophets. Mainstream Lutherans do not speak in tongues and see it as a gift existing only in the past, although there are pockets of charismatic Lutherans who do believe and use the outworkings.