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Jehovah's Witnesses are not a denomination, but a restoration of first century Christianity.

A denomination springs from an already existing religion. After the death of the apostles denominations began to appear. As disagreement arose within one denomination another would spring from that one.

Jehovah's Witnesses observed that much of what the churches were teaching could not be found in The Bible, so they formed a Bible study group, with Charles Russell taking they lead.

They would pick a topic, study everything they could about it, and then discuss this until they reached a conclusion. The majority of what the original Bible Students discerned is what modern Witnesses of Jehovah still teach: Hell is the common grave, the soul is not immortal, no eternal torture, no trinity, not all good people go to heaven, and so on.

So by this means they restored Christianity as taught by Jesus and the apostles, and did not spring from the teachings of an existing religion.


From Ronald R. Day:

The above is the answer as often given by Jehovah' Witnesses.

Charles Taze Russell, himself, did not believe in an organization such as the Jehovah's Witnesses, and actively preached against having any human central authority. The idea of a "Jehovah's visible organization" with a central human authority came from Joseph Rutherford and his close associates. Rutherford, therefore, rejected some of the core teachings of the Bible Students concerning the ransom, second death, church organization, and prophecy; as a result, by 1928, well over 75% of the Bible Students had rejected Rutherford's "Jehovah's visible organization" dogma, and the Bible Students still exist today totally separate from the Jehovah's Witnesses.

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