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According to The Bible, Jesus was arrested Passover evening, the day before the first day of the feast of unleavened bread -

"...With desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer..." (Luke 22:15).

According to the Lord's calendar: "...the fourteenth dayof the first month at even (evening, sundown) is the Lord's Passover. And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of Unleavened Bread unto the Lord: seven days ye must eat unleavened bread." (Lev.23:5-6)

So, if Christ is: "...our Passover..." sacrificed for us (I Cor.5:7)... then, He was arrested on the evening of the "fourteenth of Abib" or "Nisan," which was the name change given to Abib following the Babylonian captivity of the Jews. Then, He was abused and murdered before the end of the daylight portion of the fourteeth just before sundown, the preparation for the first day of the "feast of unleavened bread" commenced.

The exact date by our calendar fluctuates from year to year with how late or early spring comes. But, at that last Passover with His disciples... Jesus commanded that the new symbols of the Passover (the bread and wine symbols) be used to "REMEMBER" Him for all future Passovers until He returns.

"...THIS DO IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME..." (Luke 22:19).

Jesus was arrested and murdered on the Passover... the fourteenth of Abib.

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14y ago
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12y ago

No one knows exact days, but we celebrate Easter as the day Jesus rose from the dead. So theoretically 3 days before that He died on the cross and soon before that He was arrested. So just mid-April.

Another Answer:

The Scripture specifically states it was just after the Passover Meal which has become known as 'the Last Supper.' This meal would of begun at sunset, the start of Passover. Typically it would of lasted 3 hours and end with a hymn. Jesus went to the Garden to pray and some have dated this time period as 3 hours (each of His 3 returns to find His Apostles sleeping and lastly betrayed with a kiss). From midnight to 6:00 AM He was tried. He died on the 9th hour of Passover day or 3:00 PM our time and was buried before the start of the next High Holy Day of the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread. He arose 3 full days and nights afterwards.

Some Scholars have dated this timeline to His crucifixion and death on Passover, Wednesday, 25 April 31 AD. His resurrection just before sunset of Saturday, 28 April 31 AD and His presentation to the Father as the wave sheaf offering for mankind on the 1st day of the week - Sunday as He was seen in the dark hours of this day by His follower.

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13y ago

Jesus was put on the cross on a Friday (Good Friday)

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14y ago

Traditionally, the Catholic Church observes it as the Friday before Easter, Good Friday. Historically, this is impossible to verify.

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15y ago

Jesus was arrested on a thursday.

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Q: What day was Jesus arrested?
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