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Q: What day does the Pope bless the crowd In St Peters Square?
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What is the pope's house called and where is it?

The pope resides in the Papal Apartments located right next to St. peters Square.

Where was the first place Pope Benedict XVI went after being elected pope?

To the central balcony of St. Peter's Basilica to bless the crowds that had gathered in the square below.

What Were Pope Benedict the 16th first words as pope?

God Bless

How many Pope Peters were there?

There has only been one pope named Peter - Simon Peter the Apostle.

What Historical landmarks does Vatican City have?

st peters basilica obelisk st peters square vatican hill the popes chair preserved pope john paul on display in casket these are just a few but it is not hard to research if you are interested in finding out even more -lauren

What did Pope Francis ask the crowd to do?

He asked the people to pray for him.

Where does the pope rule?

St. Peters in Rome, Italy. he is protected by the Swiss guard

Who is the pope at Saint Peters Cathedral?

If you mean, St. Peter's Basilica, it is not a Cathedral, then the pope in summer 2012 is Pope Benedict XVI. His Cathedral is St. John Lateran.

What is the pope's role in the Christian Church?

A pope's role in a Christians church is to pray and bless other people and talk about god.

Who was the first to say god bless you?

the first pearson to say it was pope geogry

What is largest crowd a pope has spoken to?

Pope Francis, in July of 2013, celebrated Mass on Copacabana Beach in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil for World Youth Day and the crowd was estimated at about 3 million people.

Can you get a rosary blessed by the pope?

If you are present in the Vatican City during an address by the Pope, he will sometimes bless rosaries and other religious items you have with you. However, the Pope does not do a "mass-blessing" of rosaries to be sold in stores or online.