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The Noahide Covenant is God's promise to never send a flood again. The Rainbow is the sign of the covenant. All was well for Noah after the flood but new rules would now govern mankind.


God actually made two covenants with Noah. One (Genesis 6:18) was to preserve him during the Flood, and the other (Genesis ch.9) was to refrain from sending another worldwide flood.

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7y ago
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6y ago

Genesis 9 8 And God spoke unto Noah, and to his sons with him, saying, 9 And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you; 10 And with every living creature that is with you, of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every beast of the earth with you; from all that go out of the ark, to every beast of the earth. 11 And I will establish my covenant with you, neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth... 15 And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.

  • Answer:
God actually made two covenants with Noah. One (Genesis 6:18) was to preserve him during the Flood, and the other (Genesis ch.9) was to refrain from sending another worldwide flood.
Note also that these covenants differed from the Covenants with Abraham (Genesis ch.15 and 17) in that Abraham's covenants included spiritual elements - a relationship with God; while the covenants of Noah were promises of God concerning physical matters.
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9y ago

God made two covenants with Noah (Genesis 6:18 and 9:9), not one. Unlike God's covenants with Abraham (Genesis ch.15 and ch.17), the covenants with Noah only related to his physicalpreservation, stating that God would not allow him or his progeny to be destroyed. The reason why is given explicitly (Genesis ch.6)- because of Noah's righteousness.

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9y ago

God actually made two covenants with Noah. One (Genesis 6:18) was to preserve him during the Flood, and the other (Genesis ch.9) was to refrain from sending another worldwide flood.
Note also that these covenants differed from the Covenants with Abraham (Genesis ch.15 and 17) in that Abraham's covenants included spiritual elements (a relationship with God), while the covenants of Noah were promises concerning physical matters.

See also the Related Links.

Link: What were the Israelite covenants?

Link: Evidence of the Flood

Link: Abraham

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7y ago

God actually made two covenants with Noah. One (Genesis 6:18) was to preserve him during the Flood, and the other (Genesis ch.9) was to refrain from sending another worldwide flood.
Note also that these covenants differed from the Covenants with Abraham (Genesis ch.15 and 17) in that Abraham's covenants included spiritual elements (a relationship with God), while the covenants of Noah were promises concerning physical matters.

See also:

What were the Israelite covenants?

Evidence of the Flood

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13y ago

Gods covenant with Noah was that he would never destroy the earth with a flood , that would last 40 days and and 40 nights. He put the rainbow as a sign of it.

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6y ago

The sign of the covenant made by god to Noah was the rainbow. It was a promise that he would never ever destroy the world by a flood.

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13y ago

The two covenants god made with Noah were Goand multiply and that he would never destroy the earth with a food again.

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8y ago

God's covenant with Noah was that there would never be another flood, no matter how sinful men become. This will always be true regardless of his descendant's actions.

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16y ago

The rainbow. Genesis 8:11-17

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Q: What covenant did God make with Noah?
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Who did God make a covenant to?

God made a covenant with Noah by promising not to flood the world again

Whom did God make the second Covenant with?

Depends upon how you view the first covenant. If the first covenant was with Adam and Eve, then the second covenant was with Noah (Genesis 6:18). If the first true convenant was with Noah, then the second covenant was with Abraham. (Genesis 15:18)

What was the very first convenant with God?

Im pretty sur eth efirst covenant with God was God's convenant with NOah. When God flooded the earth he made a covenant with Noah and promised to never flood the earth again. The rainbow is the sign of this covenant!

What was the reason for God making the covanent with Noah and why was the covenant made?

The covenant with Noah was made as a promise to never again destroy the earth with a flood. It was a sign of God's mercy and grace towards humanity, despite human sinfulness.

What was the very first convenant with?

Im pretty sur eth efirst covenant with God was God's convenant with NOah. When God flooded the earth he made a covenant with Noah and promised to never flood the earth again. The rainbow is the sign of this covenant!

How was Noah's covenant sealed?

God placed a rainbow in the sky

How did god make a coverant?

God makes a covenant with man, for example he told Noah with the rainbow that there would never ever be a flood again.

How is the covenant between god and noah relevant to todays society?

The covenant insure the contine excistinst of mankind.

What key events linked to the covenant was Noah a part of?

Noah is primarily associated with the Covenant of the Rainbow after the Great Flood, where God promised to never again destroy the world with a flood. Noah was instructed to build an ark to save his family and pairs of animals from the flood, demonstrating his faith and obedience to God. This covenant symbolizes God's mercy and grace towards humanity.

What was the covenant in the story of Noah ark?

The covenant god made with Noah was that he would not destroy the earth, with a flood that would last for 40 days and nights. The rainbow is the sign of it.

God make rainbow's song in bible?

There is no rainbow song in the bible. Only mention that god made a covenant with Noah that he would not destroy the earth with a flood.

What is the significance of the sign of the covenant God made with Noah?

The rainbow.