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Certainly a good place to start is the golden rule . Jesus's admonition to " Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". In my opinion , to practice this principle is the foundation of virtuous behavior .

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17y ago
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10y ago

A virtue is behavior an individual practices that shows integrity and decency. An example of a virtue is a person who does not lie. The person makes the choice to always be honest no matter the consequences.

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12y ago

Any example of morally right action would qualify as an example of ethical behavior. If you borrowed a book, promised to return it by Friday, and then returned it by Friday, that act of promise-keeping would be an example of ethical behavior.


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14y ago

Examples of virtues are hard work, perseverance, honesty, integrity, compassion, generosity, courage, etc.

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Shekou Dassin

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2y ago
  1. What is the relationship between the law and ethical behavior
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10y ago

Virtuous behavior is someone who has a high moral code. They do not cheat, lie or steal and basically obey the ten commandments.

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10y ago

The definition of virtuous behavior is to behave in accordance with moral principles. Some examples of virtuous behavior are to be kind, generous, grateful, and benevolent.

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How do you determine what counts as virtuous behavior?

The proper definition of Virtuous behavior is to have or show virtue, especially moral excellence: lead a virtuous life. A place to start with developing this behavior is to practice the golden rule. Jesus' admonition to, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." In my opinion, to practice this principle is the foundation of having a virtuous behavior. To determine what would count as virtuous behavior, you would want to know the character of the person. Essentially virtuous behaviors are the actions, which are wholesome; which produce well-being for the person performing them and for those who are affected. I believe this would be the same for most all people.

What are Examples of virtuous behavior?

The definition of virtuous behavior is to behave in accordance with moral principles. Some examples of virtuous behavior are to be kind, generous, grateful, and benevolent.

How do you determine what counts as virtue Some virtue theorists answer that virtuous acts are those that?

promote human flourishing

A moral theory that focuses mainly on how to be not on what to do?

Virtue ethicsThe idea is to focus on developing the most virtuous character, rather than on what to do and what not to do. It's what you are on the inside that counts.

What is the comparative and superlative form of virtuous?

The comparative form of virtuous is more virtuous, and the superlative form is most virtuous.

Whats the definition of rightous?

"Righteous" typically refers to someone who is morally upright, virtuous, or just. It can also refer to actions or behavior that align with moral principles or ethical standards.

What makes man by nature good and virtuous?

Some philosophers argue that humans are inherently good and virtuous due to their capacity for reason, empathy, and social cooperation. Others believe that humans are born with a moral sense that guides them towards virtuous behavior. Overall, it is a complex debate influenced by various philosophical, psychological, and cultural factors.

What does morraly mean?

"Morally" refers to principles or standards of right and wrong behavior. It is used to describe actions or decisions that are considered ethical or virtuous.

What is the suffix of virtuous?

The suffix of virtuous is -ous.

Can you give some sentences using the word virtuous?

The man was good and virtuous. Virtuous were the deeds of Abraham Lincoln. Hester Prynne was not a very virtuous woman.

When was The Virtuous Sin created?

The Virtuous Sin was created in 1930.

When was Virtuous Leadership created?

Virtuous Leadership was created in 2007.