What country is having the most populated number of Muslim in the world?
The largest Muslim populations by country as of 2007 follow:
Indonesia's Muslim population was 199,959,285 (85%) of a total
of 234,693,997 Pakistan's Muslim population was 158,152,247 (96%)
of a total of 164,741,924 India's Muslim population was 135,583,938
(12%) of a total of 1,129,866,154 Bangladesh's Muslim population
was 132,446,365 (88%) of a total of 150,448,339 Egypt's Muslim
population was 72,301,532 (90%) of a total of 80,335,036 Turkey's
Muslim population was 70,047,060 (99%) of a total of 71,158,647
Nigeria's Muslim population was 67,515,582 (50%) of a total of
135,031,164 Iran's Muslim population was 64,089,570 (98%) of a
total of 65,397,521 Morocco's Muslim population was 33,318,332
(98%) of a total of 33,757,175