The address of the Nazareth Area Society Of Model Engineers is: Po Box239, Nazareth, PA 18064-0239
The continent that the Huang He River is located on is the continent of Asia. This is because the river is located in China and China is located on the Asia continent.
Both Biblical Bethlehem and Nazareth are located are in Israel. Also (for what it's worth,) there is a city of Bethlehem and a village of Nazareth located about 6 miles apart in NE Pennsylvania (US).
Africa is located on the continent of Africa.
You can find Nazareth in Asia America (both) Africa and Europe, but not in Australia
Samoa is located in the continent of Oceania.
Iraq is located in the continent of Asia.
Germany is located in the NW part of the continent of Europe.
Syria is located on the continent of Asia.
Austria is located on the European continent.
Mumbai is located in Asia continent. It is the economical capital of India located on its west coast.
Syria is located in the continent of Asia.