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You may read a full discussion of Constantine at the link below. To the best of my knowledge the Catholic Church, which is the Mystical Body of Christ made no concessions to Constantine, rather, Constantine's mother was a Catholic, and Constantine was a catechumen, converting on his deathbed. Constantine, also legalized Christianity, and stopped the persecution of the Christians.

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Q: What concessions did the Catholic Church make with Constantine?
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What did Constantine do to make him important?

He started the Roman Catholic Church.

Why did Constantine select the independent Catholic grouping in Rome and not the independent Catholic groupings elsewhere to formalize the Catholic Church under Roman authority?

You are confused, first of all, there is no "independent Catholic grouping", there is just the world-wide Catholic Church under the successor of St. Peter. Our Blessed Lord has only established One Church, and, as it is His Body, It will remain ONE until the end of the world. Secondly, Constantine did not select anything, and did not "formalize" the Catholic Church. All Constantine did was to make Christianity legal. The center of the Catholic Church as always been in Rome since St. Peter went there, and died there. Constantine legalized Christianity, but did not become a Christian, himself, until on his death bed.

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Constantine the Great is not considered as a saint in the Catholic religion. While he did make a death bed conversion to Christianity his life up to that point was anything but a saintly one. He is considered a saint in the Orthodox tradition. There are a few other Catholic saints named Constantine, however.

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Unfortunately, the Church has little control over the name Catholic and it is hijacked all the time by groups that are NOT in union with Rome and, therefore, not truly Catholic. A few examples: The American Catholic Church, The American Charismatic Catholic Church, the Polish National Catholic Church. Calling oneself something does not make it so.

How did Constantine the Great Revolutionize Christianity?

A:Until the time of Emperor Constantine, the main Christian Church was led by its bishops. The most revolutionary change Constantine made was to make the Roman emperor the absolute head of the Church. In taking on the role of appointing bishops, he declared, "My will be done."

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Luther was a Catholic monk .

When did Constantine the Great join the church?

There is no historical proof that Constantine the Great ever joined the church. All we have it the assertion of his friend Eusebius who was bishop of the church and would do anything to promote Christianity. After Constantine was dead and could not refute him, Eusebius claimed that he converted on his deathbed. You can make up your own mind as to the "conversion" of a man who had lived as a pagan all his life.

Can your baby be considered catholic if baptized in a Methodist church?

I'm afraid not. The Catholic church will consider the baby as a 'Christian' and not a 'Roman Catholic' since they were baptized. It's a valid sacrament in the eyes of the Catholic Church. However you need to talk to the parish priest in the Catholic Church and they'll guide you with more information as to make your baby a Roman Catholic.

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There were a few things that the catholic church reformed. One of the main things they did were created new religious orders.

What is an icon and what influence did it have on the Catholic Church?

it doesn't make sense

Is Anglican Christianity or Catholic?

No WAY!!! The Anglican church is probably one of the closER Protestant "branch religions" to the Catholic Church, but it is still a Protestant religion. The Anglican church is missing some of the MOST key factors that "make" the Catholic Church Catholic. So "no, they are most definitely NOT the same."