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Q: What concept refers to the beliefs values behavior and material objects that together constitute a people's way of life?
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Can you identify and discuss the types of culture?

Culture can be broadly categorized into material and non-material culture. Material culture refers to physical objects created by a society, such as art, clothing, or tools. Non-material culture encompasses ideas, beliefs, values, norms, and language that shape a society's way of life. Both types of culture are interconnected and work together to define a group's identity and behavior.

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That sensory input and beliefs do not constitute knowledge

What do the B's represent in VBBN?

beliefs and behavior

How do beliefs and attitudes influence consumer behavior?

Beliefs and attitudes impact consumer behavior by shaping their perceptions of products, brands, and advertisements. Consumers with positive beliefs and attitudes are more likely to purchase a product, while negative beliefs or attitudes can lead to avoidance or rejection. Marketers often target these beliefs and attitudes in their communication strategies to influence consumer behavior.

What is Non-material aspects?

Non-material aspects refer to elements that are intangible and not physical in nature. This can include beliefs, values, emotions, culture, spirituality, and mental constructs. These aspects play a significant role in shaping human behavior, relationships, and societies.

Who studies human behavior and cultures of the past thourgh the recovery and analysis of artifacts?

Archaeologists study human behavior and cultures of the past through the recovery and analysis of artifacts. They use these material remains to reconstruct and understand aspects of ancient societies, including daily life, social structures, beliefs, and technologies. By examining artifacts in their context, archaeologists can piece together a picture of how people lived in the past.

Is there a special behavior for Christmas?

No and Yes, depends on your beliefs

What term do sociologists use to describe the language beliefs values norms behavior and material objects shared by member of society that are also passed from one generation to the next?

Sociologists use the term "culture" to describe the shared language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and material objects passed down from one generation to the next in a society.

What are the two examples of non material culture?

Two examples of non-material culture include values (beliefs about what is important in life) and norms (rules and expectations for behavior in a society). These aspects of culture are intangible and shape how individuals within a society interact and behave.

Who regarded moral behavior as important to their religious beliefs?

The hebrews

What does rational-emotive behavior therapy do?

REBT focuses on helping patients discover these irrational beliefs that guide their behavior and replace them with rational beliefs and thoughts in order to relieve their emotional distress.

What the components of material culture?

Non material culture is composed solely on a groups way of thinking and patterns of behavior. in other words one can call this symbolic culture because how this group uses symbols, not necessarily a physical item in the possession, to develop and share their beliefs of their culture.