Navy, Blue Robes
Students at Hogwarts wear black robes, and winter robes are black with silver fastenings. At Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, the robes are blue silk. At Durmstrang, they wear robes of deep, blood-red. Dress robes may be any color, but are only worn for special occasions, not class. At the Ministry of Magic, the only color robes mentioned are those worn by Magical Maintenance, which are navy blue.
brown and black
In the third movie, the director of the movies changed. The new director, Alphonso Cuaron decided that it would be best to trade out the traditional black robes worn in the book for street clothes. In the book, the black robes are worn by all students for everyday wear.
Kimonos are silk robes worn mainly in Japan
A vicar typically wears black robes for a funeral service in the Christian religion. These robes are a sign of respect for the deceased and their loved ones.
Tunics and togas and robes are what people in acient Israel wore
The bird's color was the color of the robes worn by the Catholic official of the same name.
Following tradition it that it was something worn by buddha in eastern asia when he became enlightened.
Dresses were worn since the 12th and 13th century. They were called garments then. Robes were worn in biblical times which some people might call dresses.
they normally wear things like robes made from natural materials