Catholic AnswerThe robe the priest wears all year at Mass is called an alb and is white (the word alb comes from the Latin word for white). During Advent the priest wears a violet chasuble over this.The normal color of vestments during Advent is violet. However, on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8) white and blue vestments may be worn in honor of the Virgin Mary.
.Catholic AnswerInstead of violet, for a funeral he can substitute white or black. On the third Sunday of Advent and the fourth Sunday of Lent he can substitute Rose.
Catholic AnswerPriests may wear rose colored vestments on the third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday) and on the fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday). The liturgy of these Sundays is joyful, and thus the somber Violet of the season is relieved with the color, rose.
White is the color for Easter Season
Green if it is in Ordinary time, Purple if it is in Lent.
The normally wore robes which were black / brownin color.
White vestments are worn
Violet is the liturgical color used for Advent. However, on the Third Sunday of Advent the liturgical color can be rose.
Roman Catholic AnswerMonks, nuns, sisters, and priest all wear the robe that is the color for their Order. For instance, Benedictines usually wear black, Cisterians wear white, Franciscans wear brown or grey depending on which branch they belong to, some may even wear black. Diocesan priests wear black. The only time they would wear a different color robe would be a priest - be they religious or diocesan - when they are celebrating Mass. Everyone would wear the same color everyday, but a priest would put on a white alb over his habit, and a chasuble for the color of the liturgical feast he was celebrating at Mass.
The color of the vestments of the pope, or any priest or bishop, depends on the liturgical season. During Lent or Advent the vestments are violet.
White, or white and gold, is the color of vestments during the Christmas Season.