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Any colour they choose. There is no instruction to Buddhists to dress only in (insert name of any colour)

Every Buddhist ive seen that have the religion clothes on ( you know) wear orange.

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15y ago

The traditional colour of robes is orange.

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Q: What color do Buddhists wear?
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The robes of Buddhist monks and nuns are always some shade of red, yellow, orange, purple or brown. Householders can wear any color. There is no distinction of color regarding sex (male or female).

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No,they don't.

What are the dress rules of Buddhism?

For lay Buddhists, like myself, I wear normal everyday clothes. Buddhists Monks and Nuns wear robes that are traditional to the lineage they belong to.

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Buddhists in England typically wear everyday modern clothing like others in the society. However, during formal ceremonies or meditation practices, they may choose to wear traditional Buddhist robes or attire to show respect for the teachings and practice.

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What type of clothing do mahayana Buddhists wear?

Many Mahayana Buddhists wear colourful yet simple robes. These are quite impractical but they depict their dedication to the Buddhist religion. Mainly monks wear these robes, but some very religious Buddhists wear the robes without being monks. The colours of the robes depend on their status in monk society.

Can Buddhists wear causual clothes?

Householders can wear casual clothes. Monks and nuns, however, are expected to wear robes.

Is special clothing worn by some or all buddhists?

Special clothing is worn by some Buddhists. Monks and nuns wear robes. Some householders elect to wear special clothing as well.

What is the significant clothes for Buddhist?

Most Buddhists wear the normal clothes of their country, so in Japan most Buddhists wear suits, or jeans, t-shirts. Buddhist monks often wear simple clothes: In Sri Lanka monks wear orange. In Japan monks usually wear black kimono.

How does Buddhists's robes look like?

That depends on the region. For example, the Tibetan Buddhists wear orange and yellow. Just go to and search for "buddhist monk" ;)