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It was Rome

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Q: What civilization infuriated the Religion ideas of India?
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How did Hinduism developed?

"The Vedas, the Upanishads, and the other Vedic texts remained the basis of Indian religion for centuries. Eventually, how-ever, the ideas of these sacred texts began to blend with ideas from other cultures. People from Persia and other kingdoms in Central Asia, for example, brought their ideas to India. In time, this blending of ideas created the religion called Hinduism, the largest religion in India today. "

Why is there prejudice against the minorities in India?

There is prejudice everywhere in the world. Probably religion, looks, or ideas

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Why is the prejudice against the minorities in India?

There is prejudice everywhere in the world. Probably religion, looks, or ideas

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In what early civilization did an increase in trade lead to spread of new ideas?

The early civilization in which an increase in trade led to the spread of new ideas was the Ancient Silk Road civilization. The extensive trade network connected East Asia with the Mediterranean region, facilitating the exchange of goods, technologies, and knowledge. This resulted in the spread of various ideas, such as religion, philosophy, and scientific advancements, across different cultures and regions.

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How did Greek religion influence modern western civilization?

Greek religion, like any ancient religion, has a minimal impact on western civilization in itself. It gave us myths and stories and we sometimes can learn a lesson from them. However the biggest influence the Greek religion has on the entire world is the Olympic Games. The Olympics were religious festivals held to honor the god Zeus.

Was Etruscan civilization part of rome?

Yes and no. The Etruscan civilization influenced the Roman civilization to an extent, but the two were different on several points. The Romans eventually conquered the Etruscans and absorbed some of their ideas into Roman civilization.Yes and no. The Etruscan civilization influenced the Roman civilization to an extent, but the two were different on several points. The Romans eventually conquered the Etruscans and absorbed some of their ideas into Roman civilization.Yes and no. The Etruscan civilization influenced the Roman civilization to an extent, but the two were different on several points. The Romans eventually conquered the Etruscans and absorbed some of their ideas into Roman civilization.Yes and no. The Etruscan civilization influenced the Roman civilization to an extent, but the two were different on several points. The Romans eventually conquered the Etruscans and absorbed some of their ideas into Roman civilization.Yes and no. The Etruscan civilization influenced the Roman civilization to an extent, but the two were different on several points. The Romans eventually conquered the Etruscans and absorbed some of their ideas into Roman civilization.Yes and no. The Etruscan civilization influenced the Roman civilization to an extent, but the two were different on several points. The Romans eventually conquered the Etruscans and absorbed some of their ideas into Roman civilization.Yes and no. The Etruscan civilization influenced the Roman civilization to an extent, but the two were different on several points. The Romans eventually conquered the Etruscans and absorbed some of their ideas into Roman civilization.Yes and no. The Etruscan civilization influenced the Roman civilization to an extent, but the two were different on several points. The Romans eventually conquered the Etruscans and absorbed some of their ideas into Roman civilization.Yes and no. The Etruscan civilization influenced the Roman civilization to an extent, but the two were different on several points. The Romans eventually conquered the Etruscans and absorbed some of their ideas into Roman civilization.

How did trade help enrich a civilization?

Trade enriches a civilization by A) producing money and keeping the flow of economy, B) spreading new ideas and religion between countries, and C) by bringing new technology and inventions from other countries.