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1) Jerusalem is the center of Judaism. It is important to Jews because it was the site of the Akeidah (Binding of Isaac, in Genesis ch.22) and was later the seat of the Davidic Kings, when King David, Israel's greatest king, founded the dynasty that ruled Judah for much of its history, making Jerusalem the capital of the United Kingdom of Israel during his reign and that of his son, King Solomon. Most importantly, it was the location of the First and Second Temples, where offerings were made to God and where His presence dwelt in the Holy of Holies and was manifested in a number of miracles (Mishna, Avos ch.5).
Jerusalem is called the holy city by the prophets (Isaiah 52:1). It was where Jews would go three times a year to celebrate the holiest festivals (Deuteronomy ch.16). Even after the destruction of the Temple, the Temple Mount and adjacent Western ("Wailing") Wall, which still stands, is the holiest site in Judaism.
It is hoped and prophesied (Ezekiel ch.40-44) that one day a third temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem and that the Messiah will come to it.

2) As a result of the historical connection between the Jewish people and Jerusalem, it was seen as an intrinsically holy city and a place where God's presence rested. Jerusalem has become representative of the connection with the Divine. In addition, Jerusalem is seen as the source of Divine Law, as demonstrated in many Jewish prayers: "Ki miTziyon tetze Torah udvar Hashem maYerushalayim - From Zion comes the Torah and the Word of God from Jerusalem"; Isaiah 2:3. Jerusalem is also representative of the Redemption of the Jewish people from their physical and spiritual exile, because this exile causes the melancholy that the Jewish people experience by being apart from God's presence. The Redemption, which Jews believe will be brought by the Messiah, will result in the Jewish people returning to Jerusalem.

3) According to ancient Hebrew tradition, Jerusalem is the site where God took the very earth from which Adam, the first man, was formed. Read Genesis carefully; Adam was not created in the garden of Eden; he was TAKEN there. Jerusalem, because it is the first place on Earth where the spirit of God dwelt, is considered sacred, and a direct link to God.

4) Judaism is the oldest monotheistic religion and Jerusalem has been its only holy site for 3000 years, ever since King Solomon built the first Jewish Temple there. The temple was destroyed by invading Babylonians and rebuilt at the same site (known as the Temple Mount) about 2500 years ago. It was then destroyed again when the Romans conquered Judea about 2000 yrs ago, killing a million Jews, expelling another million and enslaving the remaining million. All Jews who value their heritage feel ties to the holy land, where so many of their people struggled for the freedom to practice Judaism. At the same time, Jews believe that all people should be welcome there, regardless of faith.

5) Jerusalem is the eternal Jewish city, and a symbol of a future time of peace. Jerusalem is also the focal point of prayer of the Jews. When they pray, wherever they are, they face towards Jerusalem (Talmud, Berakhot 30a), with love and longing.
The sentiment is aptly expressed in Psalm 137:
"By the waters of Babylon, there we sat and wept as we remembered Zion...." It continues to say: "If I forget you, Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its wisdom."
For thousands of years we remembered our exile and prayed for its end. Now at least we can do so from "up close."

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That depends on the historical era. The following answers are correct, depending on the time-frame:

Shiloh, Jerusalem, Shushan (Susa), Yavneh, Sura and Pumbeditha.

What happened in Yavneh?

Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakkai, disciple of Hillel, found favor in the eyes of the Roman leader Vespasian, for a reason explained in the Talmud (Gittin 56a-b), and was granted a request. He asked that the Romans (who had already begun the siege of Jerusalem) spare the town of Yavneh and its Torah-scholars. Vespasian acquiesced (Talmud, ibid), and Rabbi Yohanan gathered whatever Torah-sages he could, to Yavneh.

After the Destruction during which the Romans razed Jerusalem, it was these sages (Rabbi Eliezer, Rabbi Yehoshua, Rabbi Akiva and many others) who redeemed Jewish captives, distributed charity, and rebuilt whatever they could. (Compare this to the Sadducees, who melted into the background and did not lift a finger to help the people.)

In matters of Torah, the sages of Yavneh recorded the laws of the Temple so that these wouldn't be forgotten, and collated the details of such Mishna-tractates as Shekalim, Yoma, and Tamid. They finalized the text of the Haggadah shel Pesach (Passover Seder), composed prayers for the rebuilding of the Temple, and set in motion the process of collating the entire Mishna, an effort which would be completed a century later.

Through all these actions, they gave the Jewish people new hope, showing them that the nation could continue even under the new circumstances, with its Torah and traditions (Oral Law) intact, clarified and accessible.

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10y ago

A) During the period of diaspora, wherever there were or are large concentrations of Jews is an important center of Judaism. Today, that would include New York City, Tel Aviv, Los Angeles, Haifa, Miami, Paris and others.

B) In terms of holiness, four cities were considered holy because of their being in the Holy Land, their relatively large Jewish community and their concentration of Torah-scholars. Three of them were: Tiberias, Zefat, and Hebron.

C) The fourth, and the holiest, was and remains Jerusalem:

  • 1) Jerusalem is the center of Judaism. It is important to Jews because it was the site of the Akeidah (Binding of Isaac, in Genesis ch.22) and was later the seat of the Davidic Kings, when King David, Israel's greatest king, founded the dynasty that ruled Judah for much of its history, making Jerusalem the capital of the United Kingdom of Israel during his reign and that of his son, King Solomon. Most importantly, it was the location of the First and Second Temples, where offerings were made to God and where His presence dwelt in the Holy of Holies and was manifested in a number of miracles (Mishna, Avos ch.5). Jerusalem is called the holy city by the prophets (Isaiah 52:1). It was where Jews would go three times a year to celebrate the holiest festivals (Deuteronomy ch.16). Even after the destruction of the Temple, the Temple Mount and adjacent Western ("Wailing") Wall, which still stands, is the holiest site in Judaism. It is hoped and prophesied (Ezekiel ch.40-44) that one day a third temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem and that the Messiah will come to it.
  • 2) As a result of the historical connection between the Jewish people and Jerusalem, it was seen as an intrinsically holy city and a place where God's presence rested. Jerusalem has become representative of the connection with the Divine. In addition, Jerusalem is seen as the source of Divine Law, as demonstrated in many Jewish prayers: "Ki miTziyon tetze Torah udvar Hashem maYerushalayim - From Zion comes the Torah and the Word of God from Jerusalem"; Isaiah 2:3. Jerusalem is also representative of the Redemption of the Jewish people from their physical and spiritual exile, because this exile causes the melancholy that the Jewish people experience by being apart from God's presence. The Redemption, which Jews believe will be brought by the Messiah, will result in the Jewish people returning to Jerusalem.
  • 3) According to ancient Hebrew tradition, Jerusalem is the site where God took the very earth from which Adam, the first man, was formed. Read Genesis carefully; Adam was not created in the garden of Eden; he was TAKEN there. Jerusalem, because it is the first place on Earth where the spirit of God dwelt, is considered sacred, and a direct link to God.
  • 4) Judaism is the oldest monotheistic religion and Jerusalem has been its only holy site for 3000 years, ever since King Solomon built the first Jewish Temple there. The temple was destroyed by invading Babylonians and rebuilt at the same site (known as the Temple Mount) about 2500 years ago. It was then destroyed again when the Romans conquered Judea about 2000 yrs ago, killing a million Jews, expelling another million and enslaving the remaining million. All Jews who value their heritage feel ties to the holy land, where so many of their people struggled for the freedom to practice Judaism. At the same time, Jews believe that all people should be welcome there, regardless of faith.
  • 5) Jerusalem is the eternal Jewish city, and a symbol of a future time of peace. Jerusalem is also the focal point of prayer of the Jews. When they pray, wherever they are, they face towards Jerusalem (Talmud, Berakhot 30a), with love and longing. The sentiment is aptly expressed in Psalm 137: "By the waters of Babylon, there we sat and wept as we remembered Zion...." It continues to say: "If I forget you, Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its wisdom." For thousands of years we remembered our exile and prayed for its end. Now at least we can do so from "up close."
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Q: What city is important for Jews?
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