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Moses wrote the book of Genesis while in the wilderness, and the account covered a wide area of human expansion, from man's creation, to Joseph's death in Egypt at 110 years old (Genesis 50:26), so didn't really 'take place in a city'.

At the beginning of Genesis, of course, there were NO cities, and people were commanded by God, not to build on top of each other, but to spread out, "become many and FILL the earth"(Genesis 1:28). Abraham, Isaac and Jacob built no cities, but lived in tents (Hebrews 11:9). Eventually, however, as the human population grew, 'cities' began to appear for protection, business and religious reasons. Here are just a few:

Before the flood, 'Enoch' was the first 'city' mentioned in The Bible, and was built by Cain who named it after his son (Genesis 4:17). After the flood, 'Babel' was built by an enemy of God, Nimrod(Genesis 10:10 + Genesis 11:1-9) along with 'Erech', 'Accad','Calneh', 'Nineveh', 'Rehoboth-Ir', 'Calah', and 'Resen' (Genesis 10:8-12). 'Nahor' is named in connection with Isaac (Genesis 24:10), and 'Bethel' is another mentioned by Abraham, although it was called "Luz" by the Canaanites before that (Genesis 28:10-19). "Ur" (Genesis 11:31) and 'Haran' (Genesis 12:4) are also mentioned in connection with Abraham. The account of 'Sodom' and 'Gomorrah' was also recorded in Genesis 18:20-19:17 and at Genesis 14:17-20, it notes that Melchizedek was from the city of Salem'.

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